Chapter 10.

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Zayn's part:-

I ran towards the kitchen. There was broken pieces of glass 🍸. I went behind the kitchen counter. Natasha was laying there unconscious. Her hand was bleeding. I freaked. I called her name, tried to woke her up. I took her head in my lap and sprinkled some water. But she was still unconscious. I called the ambulance 🚨 .

She was admitted in hospital. I don't know what to do. I was biting my nails and was roaming here and there outside Natasha's room. After sometime the doctor came.

Me - what happened to her?? Is she ok??

Doc - relax Mr. Malik. We have a good news for you. Your wife is pregnant. Congrats 👏 you are going to be father.

Me- what!? Is it true??

Doc- yes

Me- can i meet my wife??

Doc- surely

I went to Natasha. She was laying in the bed. Her eyes 👀 met mine when i entered.

Me- how are you feeling??

Natasha -(in a weak voice) better .

Me- i know you are angry but ...

Natasha - i don't want to talk about that topic. ( turns her face away)

Me- (hugging her tightly) i am sorry. Please Natasha listen to me.

Natasha - (looking at me) what??

Me - i know i have done worst thing with you. And God will punish me for that. I deserve punishment. But for now we can start a new life.

Natasha - there is no reason to start a new life.

Me - there is. Do you know why you are here??
Natasha - all i remember is that i went to the kitchen for having some water. But suddenly my head started spinning. I felt a pain in stomach, the glass fell from my hand and then all blanked out.

Me- do you know why you became unconscious??

Natasha - no

Me - because you are pregnant.

Natasha - wwhhhaaatttt???????

Me- yes....the doctor said that i am going to be father of your child.

Natasha - are you serious??

Me- yes dear. I am

We hugged each other. We both were happy.

Natasha's part---

We hugged each other. I am so happy 😀. I m going to be mother. This is the best day of my life.

Zayn - please forgive me for everything. Let's start a new life.

Me- i forgive you Zayn. You are now father of my child.

We returned home. Zayn opened th door for me. He carefully took me to th couch and made me sat. He took care of every little thing. I was happy. He was happy. Atlast we will have a complete family.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now