Chapter 14.

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Natasha's part ---

We both don't know what new drama was Liam going to create today. He said that he would come and take me and Chris away from Zayn. But Zayn is not going to leave us. He will fight for us.

Zayn's part---

I don't know what is happening with me for the last 12 hours. I came to know that Liam is my wife's ex. Chris is not my child. Liam wants to snatch away my family from me. What could be worse than this?? Well i think this is all karma. Yeah. I once cheated on Nat badly. Now God is repaying me back.

It was 10 am when i received a phone call.

Me - hello.

Caller - Mr. Zayn Malik speaking??

Me- yes.

Caller- sir we are calling from NYDP. Sir we have a bad news.

Me - what......what happened??

Caller - your co- business partner Mr. Liam Payne has met with an accident and unfortunately he is dead.

Me - what?? How?? Why??? I all this happened??

Caller - He was drunk yesterday night. His car hit a truck coming from opposite side. We want you to come here over the police station.

Me- i am coming.

I went to Nat.

Natasha - what happened?? why are you so terrified??

Me- Liam is dead!!

Natasha - what?? What are you saying??

Me - Liam is fucking dead. He met with an accident yesterday night. The police called up. They want to meet me.

Natasha - i am coming with you.

We went to the police station. The police asked some questions and did some formalities. They asked wheather we wanted to see his body or not. We both rejected it.

After coming out of th police station i felt bad. I don't know why. I know that my family is safe now. But still.....

I looked at Nat. She was sitting stoned. Suddenly she hugged me and broke down.

Natasha's part---

I hugged Zayn and broke down. I know that Liam was a threat to us but still. He was my first love. Somewhere i did have a soft corner for him in my heart. All those good days came in my mind. I shouldn't think all these but then also.....

Zayn - hey you ok na??

Me - yup

Zayn - i know how you feel. Bt at least we are safe now.

Me - yup. Zayn i love you.

Zayn - i love you too dear. Let's go and pick Chris from school.

Chris reads in a play school. We just sent him there so that he could make new friends and could remain engaged in work. We reached to pick him up.

Chris - momma.

Me - come here my little boy.

Chris - mom today i got chocolate because i gave the right answer.

Zayn - i also wanna eat chocolate.

Chris - no daddy. Its mine

Zayn - no no no i also want.

Chris - ok. I will give you if you take me to burger shop. I want to have burger.

Zayn - so you started doing deal from now only.

Me - yeah after all son of a business man.

We all laughed. Then we headed towards burger shop. In th whole way Chris continued to tell us what happened in his school. We all were happy. Once again.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now