Chapter 13.

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After 2 years ----

Natasha's part----

Chris Malik and Zayn Malik please stop running around the house.

Zayn - why?

Chris - why?

Zayn - hey don't copy me.

Chris - hey don't copy me.

Zayn - ufff

Chris - uffff

Zayn runs after him. He hids behind me.

Zayn - now i am going to catch u....ohhhhhh.....

(Hugs me)

Zayn - i caught you.

Chris - bt you caught momma.

Zayn - yeah because i love her.

Chris - so you don't love me.

Zayn - ummm.....yessss obviously i love you.
Chris - whom do you love more daddy?? Me or mom??

Zayn - you my little prince ( hugs him).

So this is my family. My sweet family. I don't know what i will do without them. After Chris came in our life everything changed. Sometimes changes are good.

Zayn - dear you remembered na we have to go for party.

Me- yeah i do.

Zayn - look gorgeous ok??

Me- don't you think i am already??

Zayn - ( smiles) oh yeah!! I forgot. ( kiss 💋 )

At party---

It was an office party. So it was again all same. Clients and agents. Managers of different multi national companies. We have to bring Chris with us because both mine and Zayn's parents were out of town. No baby sitter was available at the last moment.

And least to mention that Liam was there too. He was continuously staring at us. Specially at Chris. I don't know but i was afraid.

After party----

We were heading towards our car when suddenly Liam showed up. He was badly drunken. He couldn't even stand properly.

Zayn - hey Liam you all right??

Liam - yeah.

Zayn - but you don't serrm so. Will you be able to drive.

Liam - oh you are so much concerned about me!!

Zayn - obviously i am.

Liam - (in a high tone) when you are so much concerned then fucking give my things back.

Zayn - excuse me??
Liam - oh see !!!! Now acting innocent.

Zayn - i am not acting innocent. You are acting drunk. I just don't know what are you talking about. What have i taken from you??

Liam - you took my life.

Zayn - what??

Liam - you took my girlfriend and son both.

Zayn - what are u saying Liam?? Are you nuts?? See you are too much drunken. You should go home. I should call someone.

Liam - (angrily) just stop acting innocent you bloody bastard.

Me- Zayn we should leave this place before he does something.

Liam - you are going with me Natasha.

Me - i am going nowhere with you!!

Liam - you are.

Zayn - no. She will go with me. And who the fucking are you to take her??!!

Liam - do you wanna listen who am i??

Zayn - yeah.

Me - no liam......stop it.

Liam - no no my love. I sm not gonna stop. Your husband should also know about me. You wanna hear who i am??

Zayn - (totally confused)

Liam - listen. Mr. Zayn Malik, i am ex boyfriend of your wife and father of Chris.

Zayn - are you out of your mind?? ( looking at me) what is he saying ???

Me- Zayn let's go.

Liam - why???? Now you are afraid that your husband will know the truth??

Zayn - what truth?? What are you talking about Liam??

Liam - ask your innocent wife. Ask her who is the biological father of Chris. Ask her.

Zayn looks at me. There was water in my eyes. I was going to break down any time . Zayn sensed something is wrong.

Zayn - what is he saying Nat. Say him that i am Chris's biological father.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. All my words were lost. I don't know what to say. How will i say him that Liam is right and he is wrong. How??

Zayn - what happend?? ( shaking me) say something Nat. Say him that i am Chris's original father. Say him.

Liam - what will she say. I m saying you that Chris is my child.

Zayn - is it true?? Is it true Nat??

I just looked at him. Zayn understood.

Liam - if you want to confirm then we could have DNA test.

Me- its not required. Liam is saying the truth.

Zayn - ( shockingly looking towards me) what are you saying?? Say its a lie. Say me its a lie.

Me- i am sorry Zayn but its the truth.

I started crying. Zayn was dumbstruck.

Liam - tomorrow i will come to take Nat and Chris with me. Zayn be ready for divorce.

Liam left the place. All i just wanted is that someone please say me its a bad dream. Say me whatever happened in last 30 mins was all dream.

We drove to our house. Zayn was silent all the way. Chris asleep. Thank God he haven't listened anything. After reaching home Zayn put Chris in his bed. We changed and met in th living room. I don't know what to say to him.

Zayn - Nat you knew Liam before?

Me - yeah. He was my ex.

Zayn - you could have said me.

Me - i never wanted you to be part of my past.

Zayn - but now i am. Say me your story.

Me - you wanna listen??

Zayn - yeah i should.

I said him everything. I said him both the good times and the bad times that i have spended with Liam. For my shocking he was listening quietly and calmly. I said him how Liam cheated on me. I also said him that i knew Chris was not his child.

Zayn - you should have said me this before.

Me - i wanted to. Bt you were so happy by having Chris. I didn't wanted to take away that happiness. And our life was going on right track.

I sobbed. Zayn came and hugged me and kissed my forehead. I love you Natasha. I will accept you with all your flaws.

Me - if you love me then please don't let me go back to that monster. Please save me from Liam. I don't want to go back to him. He is doing all these just to have revenge.

Zayn - i am not going to leave you Nat. Never ever. Liam is never going to get you. I love you Nat. Now when i have found my love i am not going to let her go away without fighting for her. I love you and Chris both. I love Chris as my own child. I will always.

We hugged each other. We hugged for a long time . I was asleep in his arms.

Next day i was afraid of one thing. I knew Liam would come and will take me and Chris away from Zayn. But it never happend. Something good and bad both happened at that moment.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now