Chapter 9.

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Zayn's part:-

It was the noise of unlocking the door. My heart skipped thousand beats. can't happen. Just then the worst thing of my life happened.

Natasha opened the door and found me with Samaira sleeping next to me. We were naked. She stood there like a statue.

Natasha's part---

I opened the door. Zayn was laying in the couch naked. There was a girl beside her sleeping. She too was naked. Did i entered in the wrong house?? Can someone pinch me?? Is it real....???? I was totally confused. Does that mean za...... zayn.... is.... is..... cheating on me??? My world just broke in million pieces.

Zayn's part---

I got off from the couch and grabbed my pants. I rushed towards Natasha.

Me- listrn Natasha i...i am.....really sorry.

Natasha- uhh???

Me- say something.

N- say what?? What you want to listen Zayn??

Samaira wakes up and sees me and Natasha. She understood what had happened. After getting dressed she silently left the place.

I took Natasha inside and make her sit on the couch.

Natasha - Zayn if you don't love me at least you could have said me. I could have given divorce to you. But .....this.....

Me- its nothing like that. I love you Nat. I was just carried away a little.

Natasha - ( shoutingly) this was a "little carried away"???? You had sex with her and you are saying you were only "little carried away"??

Me- listen ....dear ......ok...listen to me.

Natasha - no..... I always tried to improve our relation but you made it worse. I know you don't love me but atleast you could be loyal.

Me- i am sorry.

Natasha stormed off to her room. I left her alone.

Natasha's part---

My luck is always bad in love. Firstly Liam and now Zayn.

I locked the door of my room and jumped in bed. I hugged my pillow. I cried. I cried badly. I cried for th whole night........
I don't know when i was asleep.

Zayn's part--

Natasha was crying. And the reason of crying was me. Damn. I should die. Oh God!! What have i done.

Natasha's part---

I woke up at 8. I sat on my bed just trying to recall that whatever happened was real or dream. I looked at mirror. My hair was messy. Eyeliner smudged. Traces of tears were there in my cheek. So it was all real. I came out of room. I was hungry. As i came down i saw zayn was cooktng something. He was making breakfast. I sat on th table. He made breakfast for both of us.

Zayn- good morning

Me- hmmmm

Zayn- plz eat something

Me- yeah

We ate silently.

Me- we need to talk.

Zayn- yeah.

After breakfast we sat for a conclusion. Something has to be done.

Zayn - u can give me divorce.

Me- i haven't thought about it.

I didn't want to give Zayn divorce because it will hurt my mom and dad. When they will come to know that what their son-in-law had done they will be broken. At this age i don't want to give them more trouble.

Zayn - say something.

Me- i will have some water.

I went to the kitchen to have some water.

Zayn's part--

She was broken. I hurted her so much. She went to have some water. I felt so guilty. Suddenly i heard a crashing sound. As if something fell and broke.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now