Chapter 17.

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Scarlett's part--

I have to complete my homework. I sat in my study table and took out my books. So we have got chemistry homework. Suddenly professor Harry's face came in my mind. I started smiling. He's cute. No Scarlett no. What are  you thinking?? He is your professor. But the way he speaks, he looks......oh God!! I adore each and every part of him. Am i having a crush on my teacher?? I completed my homework.

Next day at school---

Me - see you bro.

Chris - take care of yourself. And if gotta any problm then you know just one call and i will be here.

Me - yes. Love you.

Chris - love u too.

( hugs each other)

I went to my class. Our first four periods were physical education, english, maths, physics. I hate physical education classes. You  know i am not an athlete type. I was once selected for cheer leading but  i was not interested. I always loved books. I went to my locker and took my sports dress. Elsa my best friend is also of my type. We went to th changing room. Oh!!! Molly,  Monica and Jane was there too. So let's have an introduction. These three are th popular girls of our school. Though i am popular too but  not  by that way. They are popular because not only they are beautiful but  also because of being hot and sexy and all those stuff. I never cared for them. But  they always interfere in my life. I hate them. So do they.

Molly - see who is here. The book worm
(All of them laughs)

Elsa- don't bother them  Scarlett.

Jane- oh!! Book worm has a friend too. A nerd. (Laughs again)

Elsa was not popular as me. She wore huge specs. She used to dress simple. You can say she totally looked nerd. And so people called her. But  to me she was perfect.

Me - do you guys don't have work?? By the way  why are you teasing Elsa?? The  person who doesn't know what gravity is has no right to tease others.

Flashback- it was physics period. Sir asked th simplest question to Eliza- what is gravity?? All she did was standing in her place with a dumb face. Man she doesn't knows this also.


Molly - stop it otherwise....

Me- otherwise what?? (Angrily) i have beared you people for many days now no more. Just shut the fuck up and get lost. Otherwise i will punch your face and from next day you won't be able to come school.

All the people who were there was shocked 😲. People who knew me because of my quite nature was shocked to see me in so anger. Infact i too was shocked to see mine this side.

We left the changing room and went to the basketball court.

We were playing. I took the  pass and was running. Suddenly Monica came and pushed me hard. I lost my balance and hit the floor hardly. I tried to stand up but  i couldn't. My leg was paining badly. I have hurted my ankle. My friends took me to the  medical room. Th doc applied some ice and ointment. My ankle had swellen up. I needed support to walk. Rest of the three periods were gone in pain. After that we had our lunch break. In fifth period we had French class and in sixth physics practical class. Seventh and eight period was of chemistry. For the whole day i just waited for this particular class.

Our chemistry class started as professor Harry Styles entered in th room. He was wearing a blue shirt tucked in his pants. His blue eyes behind his specs looks so perfect. In th whole two peiod i couldn't stop myself from staring at him. Sometimes he caught me staring at him.

After our class we were about to leave. Elsa was helping me to walk. Her phone rang.

Elsa- Mom is calling me. I have to pick up the call.

Me- go ahead. I can help myself.

Elsa left. I was going trying to walk slowly. After taking few steps i couldn't walk any more. My feet stumbled and  i was going to fall. But i didn't. I fell in someone arms. I holded the person by putting my arms around his neck. He holded me by my waist. All i could see was two blue eyes staring at me behind the specs. It was professor Harry Styles. Oh my Gggooodddd!!! I was in arms of my professor. I don't know what to do. All i could did was started to blush uncontrollably.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now