Chapter 11.

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After 5 months--

Zayn's part---

I went to kitchen and saw Natasha cooking.

Me- you shouldn't work so much.

Natasha - what work i do?? Only cook food.

Me- your bump has grown so much ( putting my hands in her stomach).

Natasha- yeah. I m so happy. A third person is coming. Our child.

Me- yup dear.

I hugged her.

Me- well we will have a guest today.

Natasha - who??

Me- you remember Liam??

Natasha - uh.....yeah....

Me- he is coming.

Natasha's part--

Zayn said that Liam is coming home. What could be bad than that ?? At this stage i don't want anymore trouble in my life. Oh God!!! Why does it happens with me only?? Whenever life gets in track some problem has to come.

In the evening---

*knock knock*

I opened the door. Zayn was standing with Liam. Liam was looking handsome. No i should stop thinking this. He is my past. I welcomed him.

*After a few chit chat*

Liam - so you are pregnant Natasha. I m happy for both of you.

Me in my mind( is he really???)

Liam - you got your own family Zayn.

Zayn - yeah. Small happy family.

*Zayn's phone rings*

Zayn- excuse me. I have to attend this call.

Liam - yeah go ahead.

Zayn leaves th room.

Liam - so you are happy in your life Nat??

Me- ( oh he called me Nat. I m still addicted to it) yeah i am.

Liam - so its your baby.

Me- yeah

Liam - your and Zayn's???

Me- are you out of your mind Liam?? Of course its mine and Zayn's baby.

Liam - Are you sure??

Me- what do you mean by "Are you sure??". Of course i am sure.

Liam - do you two ever had sex??

Me- that's none of ur business Liam. Stop interfering in my personal life.

Liam - i am not interfering. I am just asking. Coz i need to know.

Me- why do you need to know??

Liam - just answer me. Did you ever had sex with Zayn.

Now i was a little bit nervous. To say truly i don't remember if i had sex or not. Yeah may be. That night after party when i was drink. Yes we had.

Me- yeah.

Liam - no. You never had. I know everything about your and Zayn relation. Your relationship is not so good that you will have sex.

Me- its nothing like that.

Liam - it is.

Me- if we don't have also what's your problem . What do you wanna say speak clearly.

Liam - all i wanna say is that the baby which you are carrying is mine. That's my child. You are the mother of my baby.

Me- (freakingly) nooooo. That's not true.
Liam - i am sure.

I can't belive. What is he saying?? Is he out of mind?? This can never happen.

Zayn comes.

Zayj - you two had a good talk??
Liam - yup. Very good talk. ( eyeing at me)

Liam left after having dinner. I couldn't sleep at that night. All i was doing was thinking about what Liam said. It can't be true. I decided to visit my doctor tomorrow.

Next day----

At the hospital----

Mine doctor is Dr. Camilin Frank. She is my close friend. We knew each other from high school. She knew about Liam. I said her everything whatever happened yesterday.

Camilin - we can DNA test of your baby.

Me- is it possible??

Camilin - yeah. Your baby is five months old. We can have the DNA test.

The DNA test was done. I waited for the result.

After some time ----

Camilin - Natasha.

Me- yes.

Camilin - here are the reports.

Me- what does it say??

Camilin -

Me- please say me.

Camilin - i am sorry Natasha. The result is positive. The baby you are carrying is Liam's baby.

After listening this i was stoned. I don't know what to do. Once again my happy world broke in pieces.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now