Chapter 16.

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Chris's part---

Finally our class got over. But for the first time i didn't want my class to get over. All the students were leaving. I don't why bt i was waiting for the whole class to leave.

Mike - bro you not coming??

Me- go ahead i am coming.

I slowly started packing my bag and i was just about to leave the class then only Miss Payne called me.

Miss - excuse me you are ??

Me- myself Chris Malik.

Miss - and by any chance is your father Zayn Malik??

Me - ( a little shocked) yes he is. You know him??

Miss - ( coming closer to Chris) may be may be not.

Me - i have never seen you before.

Miss - neither do i have seen such a handsome boy before.

Me - should i take it as a compliment??

Miss- yeah sure. ( putting her hand in Chris's shoulder) you are handsome.

We were just inches apart. She was breath takingly beautiful. I felt an urge to kiss her. Bt i controlled myself as because she is my teacher. I excused myself and left the room. By the way was she flirting with me?? Nah!! Chris u should stop thinking like this.

When i and Scarlett returned home nobody was there. It was a regular scenario. Both my parents were off to work. There was food kept in the fridge. I can't stop thinking about her and i was blushing idiotically.

Scarlett - why are you smiling bro??

Me- um....nothing. Just school stuff.

Scarlett - and that school stuff included some girl right??

Me - no. You have started too much enquiry.

Scarlett - don't worry i will not tell mom.

Me- there is nothing about any girl. Belive me!!

Scarlett - ok ok. By the way have you seen the new chemistry professor ??

Me - no. Who is he??

Scarlett - professor Harry Styles. He is good.

Me- good in the sense??

Scarlett - he teaches good. He speaks softly, he is caring, charming aaaannddd handsome.

Me - that's the main point he is handsome.

Scarlett - no its not.

Me - by the way have you seen the new history teacher??

Scarlett - no.

Me - our new history teacher. Miss Elisa Payne.

Scarlett - oh!!

Me - what oh?? She is beautiful too.

Scarlett - ok......that's the reason you are smiling so much.

Me - no its not.

Scarlett - love is in the air.

Me- and what about you??

We both looked at each other and started laughing. We know what is going on each other's mind.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now