Chapter 28.

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Elsa's part---

On the  day of my proposal me and Louise  spend our night together. I was so happy. Next morning after returning home the  first thing i did was calling Scarlett .

Me - hey Scarlett

Scarlett - hey. I was going to  call you.

Together- i want to say you something.

Me - wooaaa!!! I think we both have to say something interesting to each other.

Scarlett - yeah. Ok you say first.

Me - Louise  proposed me.

Scarlett - wwhhhaattt??!!! Louis!!! That louis?? Your crush Louise ??

Me- yeah yeah that Louise  only.

Scarlett - omg omg omggggg!!!!

Me - why are you freaking??

Scarlett - coz i am excited. My best friend is in love. Wooohoooo!!!

Me - ok. Now say me your story.

Scarlett - ok. But  in my case i have to start from beginning

Me - say it. No one is gonna catch train.

Scarlett - ok ok. So i kept a secret from you. And th secret is i am in relation with Harry.

Me- professor Harry  Styles, right??

Scarlett - yeah

Me- i know it. I saw both of you kissing

Scsrlett - what??

Me - yeah. At first i was offended. Being your best friend you didn't say it to me. But  later on i realized that its should be secret. After all you are  in a relation with teacher.

Scarlett - i am so sorry for it. So now the main thing. Yesterday Harry  came and confessed my parents that he loves me and wants me as his life partner. And guess what!!?? My parents agreed.

Me - i am so happy for you

Scarlett - me too dear. I m happy for you too.

Me - seems we are finally having our love life.

Scarlett - yeah finally.

Natasha's part---

Chris locked himself in his room after that incident. He was embaressed, heartbroken. Zayn was offended  on him. I went to Chris's room and knocked his door.

*knock knock*

Me - Chris  dear open the  door.

Chris - no.

Me - its me. Momma.

Chris - i don't want to talk to anyone.

Me - Chris  open the  door. We need to talk. Please Chris . Please.

Chris opens the  door. His hair was messy. There were bags of dark circles under his eyes. Room was messy. It seems he haven't slept for years.

Me - oh Chris  look at yourself. What have you done.

Chris - go away mom.

Me ( cupping his face)- you love her??

Chris - ye...yeah.

Me - ok. Then  i will talk  to her.

Chris - about??

Me - about your relation.

Chris - you will talk to her about the relation??

Me - yeah dear.

Chris - seriously mom??

Me - yes.

Chris ( hugging me )- oh mom!!! I love  you. Will you talk with dad too??

Me - i will. Now get showered, change your dress and come down. You have to eat something.

Chris went to bathroom. I cleaned his room. He really loves her. But  does she loves him?? What if she hurts Chris ?? Then  my boy will be totally broken. And i can't let that happen.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now