Chapter 26.

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Narrator's part :-

Day of Graduation--

Finally it was the day of Chris's graduation. After this he will be going to collage. Natasha and Zayn were very happy. They were both proud of their children. Chris was planning to read about commerce  as he wanna open his own advertising company. He wanna bacome a successful business person like his father. All the  family gathered at school for the  function.

Th function started with Principal's lecture followed by Chief guest's lecture. Later on students were called on stage and were given their letters and each student gave their speech. Finally it was Chris's turn.

Principal- now i would like to call my next student Mr. Chris Malik.

(Chris comes at stage. Sir hands over the certificate and letter)

Principal- now some words by Chris Malik.

Chris - thank you sir. (Pause  for few seconds) Good evening to everyone present here. So today finally i am graduating. After this i don't have to see all these boring faces of my teachers. (Smiling) but  it is not  at all true. I think i m gonna miss this most. Firstly i wanna thank to my teachers and my principal sir for supporting me so much. And secondly my family. My parents. Mom, you are always there when i need you. And dad you know you are  my idol. I am gonna be like you one day. And last but  not the  least my beloved sister, thnks for supporting me everytime. There are some special people too (looking at Elisa) who had always helped me and is always by my  side. Once again thank you  to everybody.

Both Natasha and Zayn were having tears in their eyes. Their son had grown up so much.

After graduation party ---

Natasha's part--

(Hugging chris)

Me - my boy. I love you so much. That was an wonderful speech.

Chris - thank you mom.

(Elisa comes and calls Chris)

Chris - hey

Elisa - congrats Chris . You are now graduated.

Chris - thanks

Elisa - oh hello Mr and Mrs. Malik.

Me - hello

Zayn - hello

Elisa - so you must be  proud of your son.

Zayn - indeed we are.

Elisa - can i talk to him alone for a second

Zayn - yeah sure.

Elisa takes Chris's arm in her hand and takes him to a corner.

Me - don't you think she is too close with him.

Zayn - Chris  is a popular boy. You know everybody likes him. And now you are  over thinking.

Zayn puts his hand around my waist and pulls me closer.

Me- Zayn anybody can see us.

Zayn - let them  see. I don't care. You are  the  most beautiful girl and if  people watches us they will definitely get jealous.

Me - oh Zayn.

And we kissed.

Me - where's Scarlett??

Zayn - may be with Elsa.

Scarlett's part--

When  mom and dad were busy talking i slipped to the  school's corridor.

I walked in the  darkness whn i discovered a figure. The  person was wearing a suit. I went closer to him. As i moved closer i realized that it was none other  than  Harry.

Harry - hey you look pretty.

Me - and you look  smart Mr. Styles.

Harry - i was just waiting to see you

Me - me too dear.

Harry - so your brother graduated!! I congratulated him.

Me - yeah now he is all grown up. Any ways i was eagerly waiting to see you.

Harry - and why were you so eager??

Me - i think you know the reason....SIR!!!

I pull him closer by holding his tie.

Harry - oh Scarlett !!!

Before he could say anything i put mine lips on his. He kissed me back. Our kissed deepened. He played with my hair while i was scratching his back with my nails. He kissed my bare shoulder. I shivered.

Me - i should go now.

Harry - so quickly.

Me - my parents will be searching for me

Harry - oh baby!!

I kissed him again.

Me - don't be  sad. I love  you. I will chat with you at night.

Harry - i will wait.

Chris's part---

We reached home after having a lavish dinner in one of the  most expensive restaurant.

Me - hey where's my graduation gift??

Natasha - we had dinner at the most expensive restaurant. Wasn't that enough for you??

Me - hey that's not  fair.

Zayn - ok ok.

Dad hands me a key.

Me - what's this ??

Zayn - go and check the  garage.

I ran towards the garage. There was a brand new cherry red colored Ferrari. I freaked.

Me - dad is that for meeeeeeeee??????

Zayn - yes my dear son.

Me - thank you dad. You are  the best dad in the whole universe. I love upto moon and back to earth.

Zayn - ok ok that's enough.

I was so happy. I was having my own car.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now