Chapter 21.

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Chris's part ---

Finally my history period started. I was waiting for this. I like staring at her. And surprisingly she noticed that i stare at her but never protested. Its kind of she enjoys it too.

* after class*

Mam- Chris Malik can you please wait.

Me- yes mam.

After all the students left --

Mam- Chris i just wanna thank you for that day.

Me- the day i gave you lift??

Mam- yes. So i just want to say you thank you properly.

Me- its my pleasure mam.

Mam- so Chris i was thinking that could you come to my house today?? Actually today is my birthday and i have no one to celebrate. I am new here. If i know someone closely then its you only Chris .

Me- oh my God!!! Its your birthday??!! Happy birthday.

Mam- thank you.

Me- i will definitely come. Today we will celebrate your birthday.

Mam- thank you so much Chris.

I was so happy. Today is her birthday. I thought that we should celebrate it in a special way. She trusted me so much. Damn....i think.....i....i love her.

Elsa's part---

I wore a pink dress with flowers printed on it. I applied some make up. Today i am going for coffee with Louis . I am so happy. I just hope everything goes fine. At this moment i needed  Scarlett but  she stayed at school after its over because she had some problm in chemistry.

At coffee shop---

Louis - hi.

Me - hey.

Louis - you look pretty.

Me - thanks.

Louis - you look so different. I mean in school you look one type and now you look another.

Me- which one is better??

Louis - this one.

I smiled.

Louis - keep smiling. That suits you.

Me- enough. You are praising me too much

Louis - ok ok. So tell me about yourself.

Me- i am not so special that you need to know about me.

We were talking. We ordered coffee. Louis was cracking jokes. Gosh!! He has a good sense of humour. Suddenly Molly appeared.

Molly - Louis!!!!

Louis - oh....hi Molly.

Molly - what's going on here??

Louis - (shocked) nothing!! What are you  saying??

Molly - what are you  doing with this nerd. You do all these things behind my back?? I never expected this from you.

Me - you are  thinking wrong Molly.

Molly - now you will say wheather i am wrong or right!! Stealing someone else's bf you bloody bitch.

Louis - enough Molly. We are just friends.

Molly - friends with this nerd??

Louis - enough is enough Molly . Stop it.

Molly - now because of her you will shout on me??

Molly took the coffee cup from the  table and threw it on me.

Me- my gosh!!! My dress!!

Louis - what are you doing Molly !!

Molly - remember one thing you nerd- Louis is mine. And next time don't try to steal him.

Molly  took Louis's hand and dragged him.

Molly - i am sorry but  i have to go.

All the  other people were staring at me. I felt so embarrassed. I ran to home. That day i didn't came out of my room. I skipped my dinner too. Scarlett called me several times but  i ignored. I hate my life. I hate Molly. And most importantly i hate Louis.

Chris's part---

I wore a suit, had flowers and a box of chocolates in my hand. I was standing in front of  Miss Payne's house. I said my parents  that i am going to Mike's party. I knocked the door. She opened it.

Elisa - come in dear.

Me - thanks . This is for you.

Elisa - these are beautiful.

I smiled.

Elisa - you look so handsome today.

Me- you look gorgeous.

She was actually looking gorgeous. She was wearing a red gown.

Elisa - come lets cut the  cake 🍰.

Me- yeah.

Elisa - you too will cut the cake with me.

Me- me?? But  why??

Elisa - please i insist.

Me- ok ok.

We cut the cake and sang birthday song. She took a piece of cake and fed me. I too did the  same. Then she put some of the cream in my nose.

Elisa - you look so funny.

Me- now its your turn

E- yeah if you can catch me

She ran away towards the  dining hall. We were in the  living room. I took some cream and ran after her.

Me- i will catch you

Elisa - let's see.

We were running in the house. She was laughing. Damn....her laughter is so beautiful.

I caught her hand. But she stumbled and fell on th sofa. I fell on her. I was in top of her. We were breathing heavily.

Elisa - you are  so handsome

Me- i am nothing in front of your beauty.

She holded my head and pulled it down. We kissed. Gradually our kiss deepened. I couldn't resist myself anymore. I started kissing her neck and then shoulders. I removed my suit. I was in my shirt now. Slowly she started unbuttoning my shirt. I opened the zip of her gown. It fell from her shoulders. Now i can see her naked shoulders which was making me more wild.

Elisa - i want you

Me- me too.

That night we had our sex. My first sex. I was not a virgin anymore. And i lost my virginity to my teacher.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now