Chapter 30.

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Natasha's part---

At hospital---

My sleep broke when something touched my hand.

Zayn - sorry i woke you up.

Me- no no. How are you feeling??

Zayn - bettr. You ok na??

Me - yeah i am.

I intertwined my fingers with Zayn's.

Me - i love you dear.

Zayn - me too sweetheart.

So yes Zayn is alive. That day whatever happened was the  worst thing of my life. We brought Zayn to hospital. The doctor said that there are least chances of Zayn to be alive as there was a huge blood loss. But  we didn't lose hope. Zayn struggled for 15 hours. And after that he was in stable condition. To say truly i thought i would be never able to see him alive again. But  God saved him. He needed blood. His blood was o negetive and none of ours blood matched with him. Suprsingly Harry's blood matched with him. He was ready to donate blood. It was really kind of him.

Scarlett - good morning dad.

Zayn - good morning dear.

Chris - hey dad, good morning

Zayn - good morning my boy.

Chris - dad....i m sorry....sorry for everything.

Zayn - its ok. Its our fault. We should have told you the  truth.

Chris - truth??

Zayn looks at me.

Me - you all sit. Let's listen  a story.

So i said thm the  story about Chris's real dad - Liam Payne.

I said him the  whole story. I thought that he will be angry on us but  he wasn't.

Chris - i owe you people a lot.

Me -huh??

Chris - yes. Mom, dad you both are the  best people. Mom you raised me. And dad you didn't threw me away being someone else's child. You raised me like your own son.

Scarlett - we all love you brother.

Me - Chris  sorry for everything.

Chris - no mom. You shouldn't be. Today i am resposible for dad's condition.

Zayn - no dear you are not . Its fate.

Chris - i am sorry.

Harry - hey now its too much sorry. Let's be  happy that everything is solved and Gina has went to jail.

Scarlett -  by the way that credit goes to me because i called the police.

Everybody laughs. I looked at Zayn. Seeing his smiling face made my heart melts.

Zayn - i love you my sweetheart. You are  net a mistake.

Me - i love you too. I am happy to get you.

We kissed. ❤❤

Five years later---

"The groom and bride can kiss each other".

Harry and Scarlett kissed each other. I was so happy. My little girl was grown up. And she was marrying her love.

The photographer called our family for a family photo.

Boy - nanny nanny we are going to click photo.

Me - yes my dear. Where's ur mom and dad??

He pointed me towards Chris and Jenny. Jenny was Chris's wife. After one year of that incident Chris met Jenny  at work. They both get involved, loved each other and soon they were married.

We all gathered for family photo. Me, Zayn, Chris, Jenny , Kevin , Harry  and Scarlett .

Photographer- smile please.

We all smiled and the photo was clicked. Our big happy family.


Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now