Chapter 18.

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Scarlett's part:-

I was in my chemistry professor's arm.

Harry - you ok??

Me- yes sir.

Harry - you should  take care of yourself.

Me- yes sir.
( my leg was paining badly)

Harry - is your leg hurting??

Me - no no not at all.

He holded my waist. His touch was so warm. I took support of him to walk. He helped me to cross the corridor. Then he went to his office. I saw him going. I was feeling as if my prince charming was going away. After sometime Mike showed up.

Mike - hey.

Me - hey what's up??

Mike - everything is good.

Me- you need anything.

Mike - uh actually your brother sent me to inform you that he will be staying after school for football practice.

Me - uh ok.

Mike - so can you go home alone.

Me- yeah i will drive.

Mike - no he wants you to go home by walking. After practicing football he doesn't wants to walk. Hope u don't mind.

Me- no no. I can go.

Mike - ok then . Bye.

Me- bye.

Now what will i do. I have to walk to home now. How can i walk?? Still i shouldn't complain. My brother does a lot of things for me. I can do this much.



Fine. Now what could be more worse than this?? I slowly started walking. My leg was hurting.

I was walking. Suddenly a car stopped by my side. The window of the  car rolled down. It was professor Harry.

Harry - hey why are you walking  home?? Where's your car??

Me- sir actually bro is at school for football practice. So he will need the car when he will return home.

Harry - come up. I will leave you.

Me- no sir. I can go by myself.

Harry - no argument with your teacher. Come i will drop you. And the weather also doesn't seem good.

I didn't argue with him. Actually i was having butterflies in my stomach. Somewhere i thanked bro for not letting his car. We were driving. Suddenly it started raining. And it was raining heavily. Harry couldn't drive in that rain.

Harry - its raining heavily.

Me- yeah. You shouldn't drive. We may meet with an accident. I don't want you to get hurt.

Harry - why you care for me so much??

Me- (blushingly) reason.

Harry - here's  a cafe shop nearby. Let's go there and wait until the rain stops.

Me- ok.

We went to th cafe shop. Harry helped me to get out of th car. We sat at a corner table near the window.

Harry - what do you want to eat??

Me- nothing.

Harry - don't be shy. You can eat anything. Its a treat from me.

Me- treat for??

Harry - because you are a good student. You  do my homework, listen to me carefully, pay ur attention.....

Me- ok ok. I will have a chocolate pastry 🍰 and coffee ☕️.

Harry - waiter.

Waiter- yes sir.

Harry - two chocolate pastry and two coffee.

Waiter- ok sir.

Harry - so Scarlett tell me about yourself.

Me- well i am a shy nerdy girl.

H- you are not  nerd. You are intelligent.

Me- thank you.

Harry - by the  way your brother and you both are very popular. I have listened a lot about "Malik siblings"

Me- uh.....

Harry - how did you hurt your ankle??

Me - while playing basketball 🏀 . Monica pushed me and i fell.

Harry - seems Monica hates you.

Me- yeah.

We were chatting. Our food came. We were eating and chatting. I was in heaven. I couldn't explain i was so happy. Me with my crush having coffee. Is it a date?? Wait!!! Date with my hot teacher?? What the hell am i thinking??

Harry - there's some food in your upper  lips.

I rubbed it off.

Harry - its still there. Let me do it.

He took a napkin a rubbed my upper lips. His fingers touched my lips. It was so soft. I looked at him. He looked at me. There was something in his eyes. As if he wanted to say something. He rubbed my lips. His hand was in my cheeks. I holded his hand.

Harry - you are beautiful.

Me- not more than you.

We realised that whatever we are doing is wrong.

Harry - the  rain stopped. We should go.

Me- yeah.

He dropped me home.

Harry - will you come tomorrow??

Me- how can i miss your practical classes!!

Harry- if you don't come...

Me- i will come.

I don't know why bt i became very desparate. I wanted him to know how i feel for him. Before coming down from his car i kissed his cheeks. I thought he will get angry. Instead he kissed me back.

Harry - hope we are  doing all right.

Me- just trust me.

Harry - i do.

I waved him bye. I waited until his car vanished.

I went into house. I waited for my brother to return home.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now