Chapter 25.

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Scarlett's part--

Well it didn't took much time to recognise that he was my brother Chris. Someone was sitting with him but i couldn't see that person's face. A fainted voice came out from my mouth.

Me - Chris !!!

Harry - huh what??!!

Me - Chris

Harry - where??

I pointed towards Chris table.

Harry - ok calm down. Let's finish our lunch and leave the place silently.

We completed our lunch. Harry paid the bill and we came out of restaurant.

Harry - you wait here. Let me bring my car from parking.

I was waiting there when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around.

Chris - SCARLETT!!!

Me - oh hi Chris and.....

Elsa - hello Scarlett

Me - hello mam.

Chris - what are you doing here?? Aren't you supposed to be at Elsa's house??

Me - i can ask you the same question. Aren't you supposed to be at Mike's house??

Chris - er.....

Harry comes.

H- baby get......

Harry's sentence remained incomplete whn he saw us.

Elisa - hello Mr. Styles.

Harry - Hello Miss Payne.

Chris - ok what's going on here??

Me - you know well what's going on here, brother mine.

Elisa - now let's not play dumb. It will be better for us if we keep our mouth shut.

Harry - yeah

We all left the place in our respective cars.

At home---

Natasha - oh you two are back.

Me- yeah mom. How's your day??

Natasha - oh same boring. How's your day?? Enjoyed with Elsa??

I looked at Chris. He was sitting at sofa staring at me.

Me - yeah it was pretty good.

Later on Chris called me in his room.

Chris - so from when all these things are going on??

Me - what things??

Chris - you and Mr . Styles

Me- oh...well.....

I said him th whole story. I knew i couldn't hide anything from him because ultimately he will find it out.

Me - so that's the story. Plz don't say anything to mom and dad.

Chris - hmmm

Me - say me youur story

Chris - you wanna listen

Me- not really. But as I said you mine, i need security. So tell me.

Chris said his part too. Now we both brother and sister knew each other's deep secret.

Elsa's part---

Today whn Louise called me he said that he wanna take me to a place. Well at first i hesitated because i don't want to go out with him after that coffee incident. But he always makes up my mind.

At evening we went for movie. After that he insisted for a walk beside the lake. As it was night the place was silent. Slow breeze was blowing. The water was still. Louis took my hand and leaded me towards an open cabin. It was at the side of lake surrounded with water. There were candles of different colours. There was lighting and lanterns too. The place was decorated with roses.

Me - wow!!! This is so beaitiful.

Louis - not more than you.

I blushed.

Louis - i brought you here for a special reason.

Me - special reason??

Louis - yeah. I wanna say you something.

Me - what??

Louis - actually.....i.... I love u Elsa. I love you from the core of my heart. I couldn't stop thinking about you from the day i met you. Your eyes are magical. I know you will ask me that why am i doing so becaz i m Molly's boyfriend but trust me i don't love her. We were just together for time pass. She wanted fame. But you are not that. I know you love me too because i can see that sparkel in your eyes whn you are with me. I love you Molly.

Louise said all these things in one breath. Then he stopped to take some air. I was happy and shocked at the same time.

Louise - please say something

Me- i love u too Louise Tomlinson.

He hugged me. He touched his forehead and nose with mine. Our lips were inches apart. I wished to kiss him. And he fufilled my wish. I could feel his soft warm lips over mine. Finally my dream came true.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now