Chapter 12.

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Natasha's part:-

I returned home. I don't know what am i going to say to Zayn. What if Liam comes to know that i am carrying his baby. He will make my life hell. Ok calm down Nat. Calm down. Nobody is going to know. It will be a secret. I and Zayn will rise this child as our own so no problem . Yes. I m gonna do this only.

I never spoke to Zayn about this. I know if he comes to know anything then Liam will also know. So let's keep it a secret.

4 months later----

"Zzzzaaaaayyyyyynnnnnn" i screamed.

Zayn - wha....what happened?? Why are you screaming??

Me- Zayn take me to hospital now. My water broke down. I m in pain.....

Zayn - ok ok.....come....come slowly.

We drove to hospital. I was literally screaming. I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I was sweating.

At hospital -----

Zayn's part---

The doctors took her to the operation theatre. I don't know what's gonna happen. Nat's mom dad are here too. My parents will visit later on. I hope everything will be alright. I could hear her scream.

After two hours--

The nurse came out of the theater. She was carrying a baby.

Nurse- congrats Mr. Malik. You have a baby boy.

Me-( taking the baby) thanks. How's Natasha??

Nurse- she is all right. After sometime you can meet her.

I looked at the boy. He looked so cute. Those small hands and legs. Those eyes which were half open. Nat's mom dad were also happy. Finally i became father.

Natasha's part---

I opened my eyes. There was a little pain in my body. I was a little stressed out. I saw Zayn sitting beside me holding my hand.

Zayn - you ok??
Me- yup. Where's the baby??
Zayn - there.

Zayn pointed towards my mom. She was holding her.

Mom- here have him.

I took him in my lap. I looked at his small face. He is so sweet and innocent. When i looked at his face it reminded me of Liam. My boy doesn't knows that what he is going to face. I know he has no fault but still he has to face the consequences. I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't want my boy to face any difficulty because of me. I looked at Zayn, mom and dad. They were so happy. Will i be ever able to say them the truth?? Will this happiness last forever??

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now