Chapter 22.

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Chris's part:-

Next morning--

I woke up with a tired body. Elisa was not beside me. I went downstairs. She was making coffee.

Elisa - good morning sweetheart.

Me- good morning dear.

Elisa - yesterday was fantastic. My best birthday ever.

Me- oh yeah (hugged her from behind )

Elisa - here's your coffee.

Me- thank you. I should be leaving. My parents would be worried.

Elisa -  ok. Then  see you at school.

I returned home. I saw dad was sitting on the  couch reading newspaper.

Zayn - is your party over??


Zayn - is it any time to come home Mr. Chris Malik??

Me- dad i am sorry. The friends insisted me to stay with them.

Zayn - at least you could have called.

Me- sorry dad

Zayn - go get ready for school.

After few days---

Both Scarlett and Chris was going smooth on their relationship. Both of them were committed to their respective lovers. Though it was illegal but  still. On the other hand Elsa was sad of whatever happend between her and Louis.

Elsa's part---

After that day i never talked to Louis. Though he tried to talk with me but  i ignored him.

*tring tring*
Call from an unknown number. I picked it up.

Me- hello

Louis - hey its me Louis.

I was going to cut the  phone.

Louis - please don't hang on. Please.

Me- why did you called me?? And from where did you get my number??

Louis - getting your number was not a big matter. I called you because you were ignoring me at school. So i thought if you wanna talk with me over phone.

Me - say

Louis - hey i am really sorry for whatever happened that day. Molly is weired.

Me - its ok

Louis - you forgave me??

Me - yeah ( how could i say him that i love him and i couldn't be angry over him for long tym. At last  your heart melts)

Louis - thanks.

We talked for one and a half hour. After that day we used to talk daily over phone for long hours. We both developed a genuine feeling for each other. I was afraid to say him anything because i didn't want to lose my friendship with him. After all i loved him.

Scarlett's part--

Me - mom we are having parents-teacher meeting on friday.

Natasha - ok honey.

Me- both of you have to come.

Natasha- yeah dear.

Friday at parent-teacher meeting---

Me- so mom, dad  you are  now going to meet my chemistry teacher.

Zayn - is he yours favorite teacher

Me- yeah. Best one is the  last one.

I took my parents to Harry.

Me- good afternoon sir. Please meet my parents.

Harry - nice to meet you. (Shaking hands)

Natasha - hello sir.

Zayn - hello sir.

Harry - you both are very lucky to have Scarlett as your child. She is good in studies, intelligent, does her work  properly.

(I blushed)

Zayn - i am really proud of her. I am happy to listen that she is doing good.

Harry - i know both of you are very concerned of her. And you should be.

After talking for some more time we were going to leave.

Harry - Scarlett i need to talk to you alone.

Natasha - we are waiting outside.

Now its only me and Harry.

Me - say

Harry - i met your parents

Me- yeah. Do you like them ??

Harry -yeah. Obviously.

Me - so what do you think??

Harry - i think i should go prepared when i will ask your hand for marriage.

(I blushed)

We kissed.

Me- i have to go. See you.

Outside th classroom--

Natasha - where's Chris??

Me- i will  take you to him.

We went to him.

Chris's part---

Mom and dad came.

Me - hey how was it??
Scarlett - good. Now your turn.


Zayn - hope we don't get to listen only complains

Me - no dad. It will be  nothing like dat.

My parents met met most of my teachers. Now it was time to meet Miss Payne.

Me - madam, good afternoon.

Elisa - good afternoon.

Natasha's part---

When she turned around i got shocked for a moment. Is it her?? Or am i thinking too much?? Bt how it could be  she??

Chris - mom dad this is Miss Payne.

Me and zayn- what??

Elisa - huh....

Me - no mam nothing.

Elisa - so you are Natasha Malik and you are  Zayn Malik.

Me - you know us.

Elisa - maybe.

I frowned.

Chris - i said her about you.

Zayn - oh.

We didn't spoke a lot. After sometime we returned home. Chris and Scarlett will come home later.

At home--

Me - honey don't  you think we have met Miss Payne before??

Zayn - at first the named sounded familier...

Me - i know her. I have seen her somewhere.

Zayn comes and hugs me.

Zayn - you are overthinking. Its just because her surname is Payne it doesn't mean....

Me - sorry honey.....i didn't mean to hurt you.

Zayn - i know......its been 14 years

We both kissed each other and hugged tightly. Its th most comforting thing in the world.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now