Chapter 19.

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Chris's part--

Yayyyy!!!! And its my second goal.

Mike - you are back in your form buddy.

Sebastian- well done.

Me - thank you guys.

We returned to the dressing room. I went to have a shower. After coming out from shower i packed my bag and was ready to leave the school. I went to the  parking area. I saw Miss Payne standing here.

Me - mam you are still at school??

Mam- yeah!! Actually i was having some  work.

Me - if you want i can leave you home.

Mam- really?? That will be really kind of you.

We hopped in the car. I played a song.

" I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid i have loved you
For a thousand years
I will love you for a thousand more"

Me - actually my sister likes to listen this type of songs.

Mam - then i must say she has a good choice.

Me - yeah she does.

Mam- well Chris tell me about you. Do you have any girlfriend??

Me- huh??

Mam- no if its personal then no need to say.

Me- no nothing like that. I don't have any girlfriend.

Mam - but why?? You are the most handsome and popular  guy of our school. Girls die for you.

Me - but i haven't find someone whom i will like.

Mam - what type of girl do you want??

Me- someone.....someone like......

Mam- like me??

U shot a look towards her. Is she serious??

Me - mean....

Mam- its ok. Take right from here. The third block is mine.

I drove the car according to her instructions.

Mam - thank you for the  lift.

Me - any time. Pleasure is all mine.

Mam- you are really a good boy. I mean really.

While saying this she put her one hand in my thighs and brought her face closer. Our faces were inches apart. I was feeling to kiss her. She brought her mouth near my ear and whispered " you are really handsome. It will be not  my fault if i do something with you. You are irresistible"

By saying this she left the car. I was shocked. Was that a compliment ?? I drove back to home 🏠.

I was still thinking wheather whatever she said was real or was i dreaming?? I rang the doorbell.

Scarlett's part--

Someone rang th doorbell. This is brother only. I opened th door.

Me- hey!! How was your practice??

Chris - good.

Me- you look lost.

Chris - no nothing. Wait!!! What happened to your leg??

Me - oh a small accident.

Chris - accident?? How?? Where?? When??

Me - don't freak. I m saying you everything.

I said him th whole story. From Monica pushing me to getting a lift from Harry.

Chris - i am so idiot. I should have asked you wheather you can go home or not. I shouldn't have taken the car.

Me- its ok bro. Its alright.
(Me in my mind- actually thank you bro. For you only today i got a chance of date with my crush. I love you bro.)

(Chris in his mind - thank you sis for not taking the car. For  you only i can give lift to my crush. I love you sis)

We had some  food and we were watching tv. Doorbell rang. Its mom and dad.

Mom - hi sweeties.

Me - hi mom

Chris - hi

Dad - how was your day??

Me and Chris - good.

Chris - well it was not  good for her.

Dad- why??

Chris pointed to my leg.

Mom - what happened to your leg??

Dad- Chris you couldn't take care of your sister??

Chris - what i will do?? She fights with other girls. What can i do??

Me- ok ok. First listen.

I said them th whole  story.

Mom - you should thank your teacher.

Me - yeah i will.

Dad - honey i am hungry.

Mom- i am bringing food for you.

Mom and dad  kissed.

Chris - eeuuu!!! Don't kiss in front  of us.

Me- stop it. They look so good.

We all laughed.

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now