Chapter 29.

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Natasha's part---

So today i decided to went to Elisa's house and talk to her.

At Elisa's house---

*knock knock*

Elisa opens the  door.

Elisa - oh hi Mrs. Malik. Come in. I was expecting you.

Me - expecting me??

Elisa - yeah. Chris told me that you and his father came to knew about our relation and you wanna talk to me about it.

Me- yes

Elisa - see Mrs. Malik i really love Chris  very much. He loves me too. Please belive in our love.

Me - i do. I know how much Chris  loves you.

Elisa - should i take it as an affirmative answer.

Me - er....yeah....but  i wanna ask you some questions.

Elisa - sure go ahead.

Me - where did you used to work before joining this school??

Elisa - well i used to work in St. Joseph high school.

Me - and you left that job because??

Elisa - shift in place.

Me - and why you shifted??

Elisa - personal  reasons

Me - oh

Elisa - why are you asking these??

Me - i think i have seen you sonewhere before. Your face is too much familier.

Elisa - it happens.

Me - yeah yeah. Ok. Then  i think i should leave.

Elisa- ok Mrs. Malik. It was nice talking to you.

Me - yeah me too.

Elisa - see you soon.

Two days later at night----

Me - its 10 pm. Chris is still not  home.

Zayn - may be he is at Mike's house.

Me - do you know where your brother is, Scarlett ??

Scarlett - no mom. Bt when he was going out he was happy.

(Me in my mind- that  means he is with Elisa)

My phone rings. Unknown number.

Caller - if you want to see your boy alive come to central park at once.

Me - wwhhatt?? Who are you??

Caller - you will see me whn you will come.

Me - is this a prank?? If it is then  i swear i will kill you.

Caller - you think this is a joke?? Then  listen this-----

Chris (screamingly) - Mom. Help me. Mom please save me. She is gonna kill me mom.

Me - Cchhrriiiisssss. Chris are you alright??

Chris - mom save me. She is going to kill me. Mmoooommmmm!!!! (Crying voice)

Caller - now you have listened. Come at once or i will kill him!!! (Laughs) And don't bring police with you. Otherwise you will only get his dead body.

*phone disconnects*

Zayn - what happened to Chris ??

Me- he is in danger

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now