Chapter 27.

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Natasha's part---

I was just making Chris's bed whn his phone popped up. I looked at his phone and there was a message from Elisa.

             LOVE- Elisa.

After reading th message I kept his phone where it was. He was in bathroom.

After one hour---

Chris - hey mom i am going to Mike's place.

Zsyn - so early in the  morning??

Chris - yeah dad...

Me- may be Mike is alone

Chris - yeah his parents are out of town

Me - so you are  gonna enjoy.

Chris - yeah yeah.

Me - OK call Mike  in front of me

Chris - what??why???

Me - do what i said

Zayn - Nat baby....

Me - wait Zayn.

Chris - mom....

Me - do it. Ring Mike  in front of me.

Chris rings mike.

Me - put the  phone in speaker.

Mike - hey bro

Chris - hey Mike. Listen  i am coming over your place.

Mike - no no don't come now. My parents are  at home. And we didn't make any plan so suddenly you coming here??

Chris - uh....yeah....

Me - cut th phone.

Chris - i will talk to you later on. Bye

Mike - bye.

Zayn - what the hell is going on here??

Me - i am telling you dear. Chris was not  going to meet Mike . He was going to meet his dear teacher Elisa and they were planning to have sex.

Zayn - what?? (Totally shocked)

Scarlett - what?? Brother is it true??

Chris hung his head down in embarrassment. His cheeks were red.

Zayn - why??? Why are you doing this??

Chris - because i love her. She is my everything. We have been in relation for the  last 8 months.

Me - you were dating her??

Chris - yeah

Zayn - you shouldn't have a relation with your teacher. Its illegal.

Chris - its illegal in my case. And what's about Scarlett ?? When  she is dating her teacher its ok??

I and Zayn gave a shot towards Scarlett . She was dumbstruck.

Me - Scarlett  you too??

Scarlett - ( to Chris) Asshole. Mom....actually.....

Me - i want an answer not any excuse.

Scarlett - yes mom.

Me - with whom??

Scarlett - prof....professor Harry Styles. But  i swear mom we didn't had any physical relation.

I couldn't handle this any more. I sat on sofa. Zayn came and sat beside me putting  his arm around me.

Zayn - handle yourself dear.

Me - i have said you earlier Zayn that something was wrong with this Elisa. And see now Chris is dating her.

Zayn - well it seems this family is cursed. No one has a normal relation (frowning).

I sighed (rolling eyes).

That night nobody talked much. The  biggest secret of my children came out. It was back to back shock to me. Now i have to really know who is this Elisa.

Scarlett's part--

I returned from school. My mood was off with whatever happened. I am not  sad because my parents came to know about mine and Harry's relation. I am sad because i broke my parent's trust. So i took a big decision.

Me - hello mom.

Narasha - hello.

Me - mom one of my friend is coming tonight so can you just be ready. And please  call daddy and say him to come home quickly.

Natasha - ok i will. Is she special??

Me- its he. And yeah he is special.

At night----

Natasha's part---

I laid the dinner table. Everything was perfect. Scarlett has gone to bring her friend. Zayn is back home.

Doorbell  rings. I opened the  door. Scarlett was standing there. And with her there was her teacher Mr. Harry Styles.

Me - please  do come in (smiling)

Harry - thank you Mrs. Malik.

Zayn - hello sir. Well i didn't expect to see you.

Me- Zayn!!

Harry - yeah its a pretty surprise.

Zayn - please have a seat.

We talked about other  stuffs for some time.

Harry - well i think i should come to the point now.

Me - point??

Harry - well Scarlett  said me that you have found out about our relation. Well  i am extremely sorry that you have to come to know about our relationship like this way. I promised Scarlett  that i would talk to her parents about this matter and so I am here today.

Zayn - oh.

Harry - i know Mr. Malik that you are  really concerned about your girl. But  i promise you that i will keep her happy. I know our age difference is a little bit big but  i don't think that's a problem. Both me and Scarlett  are happy with this relation.

Zayn - Seems you came all prepared. Do you love him Scarlett  dear??

Scarlett - yes dad.

Zayn looks at me. I smiled.

Me - its really good of you that you came and talked to us about this.

Zayn - only one thing Mr. Styles. I just want my princess happy. If she is happy then  everything is alright.

Scarlett - then  should we take it as a yes???

Zayn (rising his glass of wine) - cheers to the new love life of Scarlett Malik.

We all said together " cheers" !!!!

Night Changes   // Zayn Malik// Harry Styles FanFic.  (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now