Obsticle number one

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"It's okay, the blood moon is coming around, and the child will die if it's not born before then"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know why the child dies then but it's just how the moon works, if it's born before that then we'll deal with it then" he says to me, I am happy that he promises that we will both deal with it then, so it gave me some relief but he leaves shortly afterwards telling me that he has some business to attend to. I look at the wall to my side when I hear the door open as a smile forms instantly on my face when I see the three of them run into the room.

"It's been way too long babe!" Beth says to me making me laugh as she hugs me kissing my cheek, Ronny sits on the bed next to me as he holds my hand and Conner sits on the chair.

"I've got some news," I say to them my tone serious as my smile drops from my face, Conner looks down and sighs.

"We know, James contacted me, and I told them about it" he says to me, a single tear falls onto the floor.

"Babe I'm so sorry, I mean I know that I've always told you that I wanna be an aunty but just not this soon" Beth says to me, Ronny puts a hand on my stomach.

"I don't care as long as I'm not the shortest anymore" he says to me making me smile a little, we talk about what's going to happen and I tell them what James said.

"Don't worry, we're not leaving you no matter what we'll figure this out like we always do" Conner says to me, I fall asleep soon after that with Ronny laying next to me.

The next couple of days fly by as Conner is with me, the doctors prescribe medication for me and then hand me over to Conner as he signs me out of the hospital, we get into his car and he is silent before turning to me, his eyes showing his wolf.

"How far long have you been pregnant?"

"Since the assault" I say to him he looks at my stomach and puts a hand on it.

"Three months on, the Blood moon will ascend in the next five months, your baby will be born before the moon"


"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you go through this alone, your kid will be a wolf, if you want I can put it with a wolf family," he asks me as he starts the car I smile and look down, my stomach full with a little person inside.

"I'll think about it" I say to him as I hold his hand taking him by surprise a little, he drives me to his house with his parents and Ronny are, he tells me that I'll be staying here until my child is born. Kelly is insanely excited to find out about the pregnancy; though she knew that I am freaking out she doesn't care, I guess that it is normal for wolves to be young parents.

"What does James think?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in weeks" I say to them as I eat some of the sandwich that Conner made for me, Kelly sits me down by the table and speaks to me about the situation, she tells me that she is more then happy to be my mum and help me through it mainly since I've never gone through this before.

"A wolfs pregnancy goes for six months and you're already halfway through it"

"I'm really worried, only three months more? I don't know what to do"

"Don't worry hun, we'll help you through it as much as we can, we know what it's like to have a kid we've got two" she says as she motions to Conner and Ronny talking to Deaton in the kitchen Conner had his eyes on me and looks away again, Kelly takes my hand snapping my concentration back to her.

"You will be having to go back to school until it looks like you are, besides you'll be graduating at the end of the year" she says to me, I widen my eyes, I didn't even think about that I put a hand on my stomach and she looks at me.

"Try not to stress about it hun we'll keep you safe here" she says to me, Conner comes over and sits down next to me.

"The pack are aware of it, I've sent some wolves to go searching for the guys that attacked you," he says to me taking one of my shaking hands.

"I won't leave your side," he says to me as I hug him Kelly smiles and clasps her hands together.

"Oh my you two are just too adorable" she says to me, soon enough Conner takes me to his room and tells me that we'll be sharing, though most nights he'd spent out running around the woods trying to find out where I was.

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