The rules

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"Parker" I ring out at him making his head turn, the baring of the teeth soon stop as he breaths out heavily and turns back to the teens gripping the edge of his desk.

"What the hell is up with you, who are they?" I interrogate him as i watch his hands make sharp enlarged claws stick out of his fingers.

"A bunch of fangs" he says as he growls at them again.

"I'm sorry what" I ask him as I look up and see a boy walk in with an oversized jumper and messy hair on.

"You're late Rogers" the teacher says to him making him huff out a little, he catches my eye and smiles at me making me blush a little.

"Don't give a shit" he mumbles before taking the seat in front of me and sitting down, Conner grabs my hand and forces me to look at him.

"What?" I say as he threatens me through sign language of him tilting his head and growling a little.

"May wanna keep your dog on a leash there" the boy says in front of me as he scoffs at Conner.

"Don't anger him, he may actually bite you" I retort back making the boy in front laugh, ripping my hand out of Conner's grip I look at him and glare at Conner and he glares back. The rest of the day was silent as Beth, Ronny and us two all sit together under the tree, Conner lying down next to me with a hand on my waist as he plays with the hem of my pants.

"Come on! You guys definitely need to try out for the musical!" Beth begs Conner and I making me laugh.

"The thing with musicals Beth is the fact that you have to sing, and I sound like a dying cat being run over by a tank"


"I'm with Chloe on this one, you can't force someone to do something if they don't want to"

"Fine then, I guess that you guys are just pussy's" Beth says making Ronny spit out his milk as he coughs, Conner sits up and glares holes through Beth as she just sits there with a smug look on her face.

"Take that back"

"I will once you sign up," she says as she crosses her arms, Ronny pulls me to his side as he whispers something in my ear.

"Calm him, his wolf is starting to show"

"Parker come on, let's just sign up to make the woman happy okay?" I say to him as I put an arm on his shoulder and stick my tongue out at Beth as she smiles and giggles.

"Fine then" he growls, once the bell chimes as Ronny and Beth head off to their area's of the school, Conner grabs my hand and forces me to look up at him as his eyes where black and red, I widen mine and shove him into the closest room.

"I am not signing myself up for the musical" he seethes out, his canines peeking out from under his lips, I breath in and close my eyes thinking on what to say to him.

"Listen we have to, but just because we sign up doesn't mean that we're going to get a role okay? We still need to go through the try outs and such before they finalize their characters" I reason with him as he slouches down in one of the chairs, he grabs my hands and kisses the backs of them before pulling me into a warm and much needed hug.

"Thanks" he says I kiss his head and rub circles on his back, he stands back up and holds my hand as we head off to our next class. It is quiet, though we are allowed to work in groups of three or more Conner was not happy with the fact that we where chosen to work with the 'Rogers' kid from our other class.

"What the hell do you two have against each other?"

"He's a wolf and I'm a vamp we don't get along with each other to begin with" Rogers glares at Conner, as Conner growls at him both creating fists by their sides, I sit in between them and stick up my hand.

"Sir can we three please be excused for a moment"


"Because Conner's on his period" I say making Conner and Rogers look at me wide eyed and the teacher drops his mouth with the silent scoffing from some of the vampire's in front of us, I drag Conner and Rogers as I take them out of the classroom and towards the courtyard throwing them forwards as they stumble a little before finding their feet and both turning to me.

"Sit!" I growl at them as they both do as they're told.

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