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"I didn't know, and I thought that . . . Well I-I wasn't thinking" I shyly say with a slight laugh, he growls making me nervous and turns to me as I take in his features, his eyes captervating me as I look to his lips seeing him clenching his jaw, he knows what I'm looking at.

"What do we do now?" I ask him breaking the tention.

"There's a lot of things that I want to do to you right now, and talking isn't one of them" he says to me, I widen my eyes for a moment and look away blinking and blushing slightly.

"No, I can't do that, I barely even know you James" I say as I stand up running my hands through my hair and fiddling with the hem of my shirt, he stands up and pulls me against him wrapping his arms around me tightly, his body's heat warms my heart as his hands are placed firm on my hips slowly moving around to my back as mine are squished to his chest.

"James" I whisper as he growls and rests his chin on my head, I know that it was Beast that was out before but I can't get Conner out of my mind.

"I know that you're thinking of Conner"

"Will he be okay?"

"He's a wolf, he'll be fine," he states to me, I know that he'll be fine but something in my heart hurt for him, it takes me by surprise when James picks me up and sits me down on his lap on the edge of the bed as he doesn't let me talk, he just holds me to his chest and fiddles with the jumper that I have on.

"It's getting late" I say to him as he growls and lets me stand up, I grab my pj's and walk into the bathroom when he speaks up.

"Just get changed here"

"No, I need my privacy" I say to him with a smile, he frowns and I roll my eyes.

"Fine" I say not really in the mood to argue or fight, I turn around and take off the jumper, a low growl erupting from his throat as I take off my shirt and bra then changing into my Pj's.

I crawl into bed and tilt my head slightly as I smile into it as he growls and falls beside me holding me to his bare chest and closing his eyes.

"Sleep" he says softly to me making my stomach flip as I smile and take in a deep breath of his scent doing as I'm told.

By morning I wake to the sheets that lay bare at my side, James must have left in the night or early this morning. Instead of waking dad up and getting him breakfast I sprint down the stairs and out the door running to Conner's house, I barge through the front door puffed and sweaty to see Conner laying on the couch asleep and Ronny on the stairs with his head in his hands.

"Ronny bear?" I say as I close the door and he looks up, his eyes full of tears as he jumps down the stairs and runs to me hugging me tightly as he sobs into my chest, I rub soothing circles on his back until his sobs turn into hiccups.

"What's the situation on Conner? Is he gonna be okay?" I ask him, he grabs my hand and takes me to Conner's side, his chest rising and falling, the slight pang in my chest when I see the slashes of Beast, I watch as his skin slowly rebuilds itself back together cell by cell.

"Why isn't he bandaged up?" I ask Ronny, I run a hand on his warm chest, a ghost smile threatening to show on my lips when I see his arms tense up a little.

"He's an Alpha, he doesn't need to be stitched up or anything, since his body is strong enough to heal itself and because of his title, though if an Alpha hurts another the healing process is slower" Ronny says to me, I turn to him and hug him, I know that it hurts Ronny heaps to see his protector and brother like this.

"Don't worry Ronny, I'm here"

"I know, it's just . . . it hurts" he says through sobs, I kiss his head as I prop my back up against the couch with Ronny's head resting on my lap. By mid day he finally fell asleep and I didn't bother going to school, Beth was sending me a million messages and eventually I text her to come to Conner's, she walks in with a bucket of chicken from the local chicken shop by the corner store just opposite the old couple that argue about everything.

"Hey" she says, her smile drops when she see's Conner, she sits next to me and grabs my free hand.

"What are they?" she asks me, it surprises me on how chill she is about finding out that her best friends are creatures.

"Werewolf, but not the monsters that are featured in the movies and TV shows, they're actually really cool," I say to her grabbing a chicken wing, Ronny sits up and smiles grabbing one too and shoving it down his throat.

"Don't worry you haven't met the mean ones" Ronny says as he sniffles and rips off the meat from the bone of the chicken.

"There are mean ones?"

"Rogues, and James" he says to me, I suck in a breath at the mentioning of James.

"How so?"

"Well rogues are the wolves that live on their own, they're more animal then human so the pillage packs and stuff, Conner and dad are having a pretty tough time controlling them since they're near by, a pack of them"

"Thought that they where by on there own"

"Well rogues are like other wolves the only difference is that they don't follow rules of an Alpha, really they don't even have one" Ronny says to us, we talk more about Conner and who he really was.

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