Prologue Two

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Lafayette's P.O.V.

"Hello there!" I smile and stick my hand out at the new soldier in our army, and my squad. He has long, dark blue wings, much like my own, except mine has gold highlights. Also, he's hot. Freaking hot. Like...woooooah.

"Hey. I'm Hercules Mulligan, or more commonly known as Herc." He says, shaking my hand. I chuckle.

"Well, I'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette." I introduce myself, keeping an eye on Herc's expression. Just like always, his face turns to panic.

"Wait so what do I call you-"

"General Lafayette, and if you gain my respect, Laf," I smirk. Hercules breathes a huge sigh of relief. "Well then, see you around!" I salute him and does the same. I turn and fly off, but not before I take one glance at Hercules. Again, he's super cute.

Hercules's P.O.V.

I shuffle into the barracks, which is basically a bunch of trees opening into a grove. Soldiers with wings of many colours. One guy who had beautiful rainbow wings -a rarity in our society- came up to me.

"Hey! I'm John Laurens, nice to meet you. You're the new kid, right?" He smiles, and I nod.

"Yup! Nice wings, by the way, rainbow is super rare." I compliment, and John shrugs.

"Eh, guess they just match my personality, cuz I'm straight as a circle." John jokes, and I chuckle. Got a feeling I'm gonna get on well with John and Laf.


It's been several weeks since I first joined the army, and I haven't made that many friends besides John, who is a bit of a troublemaker who doesn't pay attention. I feel like he eats 5 kg of candy per day.

"Allons y! (C'mon!) Mission/training thing time!" Laf enters the barracks shouting. "Herc!" He looks around before his cute dark brown eyes rest on me. "Come with me." Oh, I'll go anywhere with you...I MEAN-

Yeah. I also forget to mention I have a gigantic crush on our general. Lafayette. Like, he's French, has a hot accent, looks like the embodiment of hell on I ranting again?

"Woah woah woah Laffy, what's going on? Why's it a mission too?" John interrupts. Lafayette scowls.

"Don't call me Laffy, Laurens. I'm your general and for your information Monsieur Washington has issued new orders for patrols around our assigned area. Today I'm just going to show everyone the route to patrol on, and if you mess around in any way, you're going to have night duty." Lafayette says firmly. John shrugs.

"I mean, it's impossible to spot these wings, day or night!" John waggles his wings around and accidentally hits me. I spit out the colourful feathers -yuck- and glare at him. "Whoops! Sorry, Herc!"

"It's fine." I groan.

"Alright! Enough chit chat! Come with me, everyone." Lafayette announces, and flies up, through the leaves of the trees above into the blue sky. I spread out my wings and follow him, my fellow soldiers following me. I see Lafayette up ahead and fly next to him. "Hey Herc." He smiles at me. OH MY GOD, HE SMILED AT ME- "So, we have a different flying formation, it's our most complicated so try to keep up. Look for the space, it's right behind John." I nod and glide back, examining everyone's position. I wish that conversation could've been longer but we have a job to do, and money to earn. Hehe, all that cash...I can maybe get a present for Laf...NOPE NOPE NOPE GET THE GAY THOUGHTS OUT HE'S OUR BOSS.

Ah! I find a space and fly behind John. I see John reaches his hand into the clouds.

"Sweet! Flying never gets old, huh?" He calls back at me, before launching himself out of the formation. "Wooooooo!" John yells, spiraling upwards before letting himself fall through the clouds. I stop and grab his arms as he falls.

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now