Chapter Seven

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John's P.O.V.

I pull Alexander into the medic's tent. Thomas is in there, holding some ice wrapped in a rug against James's forehead. James is awake, and they're quietly talking to each other. I wait patiently for them to finish, and overhear some of their conversation.



"What's up with those hollow trees?" James asks, and Thomas laughs.

"They were used a long time ago, in the war of the Winged against the Elves. Us Winged used them to ambush groups of Elves. Well, that's all I remember from school history anyway." Thomas explains. James chuckles, before looking at Alex and me.

"John? What are you doing here?" He asks, ignoring Alex. I scowl and push Alex in front of me.

"Alex here has something to say." I nudge him pointedly. Alex sighs.

"James, I'm sorry I pushed you so far the other day," Alex says in a monotone voice, staring at the floor. "And I'm sorry I caused you to run into the forest which caused you to get ambushed which caused you to get hurt." He apologises, actually sounding sincere. James stays silent for a solid 5 seconds.

"It's fine." He says, not looking at any of us.

"WELL THEN IMMA JUST-" Alexander turns around to leave but I push him back. He groans before glancing at James. "Sorry that you got a broken leg because of my stupid actions." Just then, the medic Theodosia comes in, her lush cyan blue wings swinging in the breeze. She looks up at us, surprised.

"Oh! Uhm looks like we have an audience here today. Well, I was just about to start the checkups but-" She smooths down her coat confidently.

"Oh no no, we were just about to leave." I apologise for the inconvenience and drag Alex out. He waves at James goodbye and James actually waves back.

We get back to our tent and I see a packet on my mattress. Written on it is, 'Have FUN with Alex! -HERCULES MULLIGAN!' I pick it up and inside there's some food. Huh. I sit down and share lunch with Alex. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh peacefully. I wrap my wing around Alex and he hums. We rest, eating and enjoying each others company.

"John? I kinda wanna do something...more. Then this." Alexander confesses. I start getting that itchy feeling again.


"Like, I won't be a spy, but I want to travel to Base 1732 and help Major-General Washington. Like, maybe be his right-hand man or something." He says happily. My heart starts pounding.

"B-but...we'll be separated..." I stammer. Alex looks at me and cups my cheek in his hand.

"Maybe we will be physically, but I will always be with you, Johnnie." He says. I stare into his eyes, there's a certain sparkle in them that makes me crazy for him. I shake my head and move his hand away.

"Y-you can't be fighting up on the front lines. What if you get hurt or worse? I can't live without you." I say, tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

"John, I just can't sit here while there's a war happening." Alex says quietly.

"Why not!?" I shout, one tear rolling down my cheek. Lexi sighs and wipes it away.

"I can't throw away my shot. It's like, a reflex. I have to do better, make my mark in this world." He says. Everyone word that comes out of his mouth makes me angrier and angrier.

"Isn't this enough!?" I yell, spreading my hands. "Look at Thomas and James. They're perfectly content with what they have. They love each other! Why can't you just accept this?" Alexander stands up.

"I-I just can't! History is happening at this very moment, I need to make myself remembered!" He paces around the tent, in a huff. Kind of like the first day I met him. I start to cry.

"If you could just love me, that would be enough." I sob quietly. Alexander crouches down and hugs me. My wings hang weakly, the colours on them slightly paler than usual.

"John, I won't go if it makes you unhappy. I would do anything for you. You're my favourite person." Lexi says. My tears slowly start to come to an end. I hold on to him like my life depends on it.

"T-thank you, Lexi. I wouldn't know what to do with my life without you." I sniffle. Alex smiles wistfully.

"And I you. We belong together, just face it." Alexander says. I giggle and wipe my tears away. Alex is here for me, no matter what.

Hercules's P.O.V.

I enter Lafayette's tent, my shoulders tensed up. The first thing Laf does is hug me.

"Hercules, mon amour I'm so sorry for being too stressed out to spend time with you!" Lafayette says, wrapping his arms and wings around me in traditional Winged style.

"Oh, Laffy it's fine. I might have been overreacting that day, it's really my fault. You work really hard and I was just being clingy." I apologise back.

"No no, I was in the wrong-"

"Laffy Taff I was obviously overreacting."

"NO I-"

"We can just, agree to disagree." I finish. Ok, without me saying that that conversation would've gone on for ages. We separate.

"Yes. But I was working myself way too hard-"

"Laf!" I laugh and he chuckles. "You're kinda right though. Perhaps you can hire someone to help you? Maybe Carl?" I suggest. Laf's face scrunches up.

"I'm not sure I trust Carl. He's pretty violent and unpredictable." He says.

"Huh. So, try to hire someone to deal with your workload." I advise. Lafayette nods and gives me a quick kiss. My lips tingle from it as Laf smirks.

"Wanna continue that?" Lafayette flirts. I open my mouth but before a word comes out a soldier opens the tent flap.

"Uhm, sorry to bother you, General Lafayette," The soldier says as we move apart subtlely. His voice is uneasy and nervous. "But there are two Humans by the waterfall claiming that they ran away from the Humans to join us." The soldier flies away without another word or me dismissing him. Must be new.

"They must be spies." I say immediately. Laf sighs.

"Mon amour, you must remember James and Alex and how they turned out. We mustn't judge these people on what we've literally just heard." He chides me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but like they're making some pretty big claims," I whine. Lafayette looks at me. "Fine, we can take them in." I sigh. Laf smiles and we glide our way down to meet the new recruits. One of them has black slicked back hair and the other has barely any hair at all. I turn to greet them but they start to talk.

"Hi, there! I'm Charles Lee, and this is Aaron Butt!" Slick says.

"AARON BURR!" Aaron shouts.

"Yeah, whatever." Charles snorts, folding his arms. Hmm, these two don't seem to get along well. Aaron's body language is indicating that he wants to get as far away as possible from Charles. Strange.

"Well uh...welcome to Base 1776!" Laf cheers. I nod vigorously. "Would you two like the same tent or..?" Charles shakes his head. "Ok, I think they're some free tents. Herc?" I hum and look at him. He gestures at the two Humans.

"Oh! Come with me dudes." I lead them to the 'free tent' section and assign them tents. Aaron thanks me while Charles just goes in without a word. I don't like him. Aaron seems cool though.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now