Chapter Thirty Nine

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Hercules's P.O.V.

After I had discovered John, I'd immediately sent him to the Schuyler sisters, but now, all I can do is pray.

"Hercules!" I turn my head to see Lafayette flying towards me, his face a mixture of worry and..nope, never mind. Just worry. The golden highlights in his wings shine in the sunshine, and I can't help but think how handsome he looks.



"Oh my goodness, Hercules, how's John?" Lafayette lands out of breath, leaning on my shoulder to steady himself.

"John...has been better," I say quietly. "It seems like some sort of spy used him, then, disposed of him."

Lafayette's face falls. We stand in silence for a moment.

"Well, on other news, Washington has created a plan, and I am the one to carry the first stage out," Lafayette says, trying to lighten up the mood. "It's a big responsibility." I smile a bit.

"Good for you, Laf, but don't go all 'EVERYTHING MUST GO ACCORDING TO PLAN!' on me, alright?" I joke, making my voice high pitched for when I imitated him. We share a quick chuckle, before hearing Washington calling from afar.

"I better go, Hercules. Our part of this siege is to look for survivors," Lafayette releases my shoulder and starts to walk away. He pauses and looks behind back at me. "I'll see you out there, mon amour."

And with that, Base 1776's General, and my boyfriend flies away. With a small grin on my face, I leave to go find my weapons.


I and a group of Winged soldiers fly high, camouflaging ourselves in the clouds. I change my grip on my daggers while biting my lip. Here we go.

"Down! Don't be seen by guards!" I shout, and we sharply stop and divebomb down into Newtide. Or, rather, just outside of Newtide.

We land in V-shaped formation, surrounded by trees and bushes. "Move out!" I whisper-shout, and my squad follows as such. At the border of Newtide, there are about half a dozen Human soldiers keeping guard. I raise the palm of my hand, and the Winged soldiers stop. I change it so my index finger is pointing up, and on cue, one soldier crawls away.

A few moments later, a small stone is thrown far to my right, and the guards in front of us walk over to investigate.

Needless to say, we snuck past.

As we started to scour the streets I started to fear that there were no survivors. But there were also no bodies, so perhaps the people of Newtide are still alive. We sneaked past a certain house with a green roof, and suddenly, I felt compelled to check inside. The door is still slightly open, which is different, compared to all the other houses, which were all closed.

My heart lifted, thinking that there may be some survivors in there. I turn to my allies, who look a bit disgruntled at the sudden stop.

"I'm going in to check," I whisper. They nod and decide to hide in some bushes while I'm gone. I check the street to check for Humans. No one. I slowly walk towards the door, making sure to step over a small branch on the ground. The door creaks as I open it, and I wince.

I slip inside.

The house is quite cosy, and it seems like it was just abandoned. There's still relatively fresh food on the dining table, and four chairs around it. Three chairs seem to have just been used. I quietly manoeuvre myself around, checking for any signs of survivors. In the corner, there's a trapdoor above me, but I'd have to jump to get it open. I grit my teeth. The noise that would make...

My eyes wander to the sofa, where multiple cushions lie. Nice!

I grab a cushion and set it under the trapdoor. I'll still make a noise, but at least now it'll be muffled a bit. I take a breath and jump. My fingers grab hold of a bar and my weight pulls it down. The cushion mostly muffles the thump of my feet, but also almost causes me to fall. The trapdoor releases a set of stairs, so I quietly climb up to the attic and take a peek.

My spirits fall. No one, nothing. All that work for absolutely nothing. I sigh and climb down when a glint catches my eye. There, on a small coffee table, is a framed...something.

As I got closer, it seems like it's a drawing. A beautiful one at that. It seems so familiar...

At the bottom, a small message reads; 'This is for you, I hope you like it! -Thomas.'

Then it hits me. This is a drawing of James. It's from Thomas.

This is James's house.

I glance towards the dining table.

Three chairs.

James, Thomas, and Alexander.

Gone. They've been captured.

If they've been captured...what are the chances of any other survivors?


There must be others. I mustn't give up hope just yet.

I leave the house, checking for any Humans as I do so. As I return to my squad, they give me hopeful glances.

"So?" One of them, with pale blue wings, says. I shake my head.

"No one. Let's keep searching." I announce grimly. Their faces fall, and we continue on our way.

Before we left for this scout mission, Lafayette briefly told me that the next part of the plan would commence once other bases started to arrive. Let's just hope that that's soon.


It has been hours and by now, I'm sure that we've searched the entirety of Newtide. Humans really are merciless. I just hope that everyone is okay, every man, woman and child.

I grit my teeth. Why did the Humans have to bring civilians into this fight?

Suddenly, I hear shouting. Crap! Have the Humans found us? Then, above us, I see a V-shaped formation of armed Winged flying past. The other bases! They're here!

"Alright, enough of all this sneaking around!" I growl happily. "Let's fight!" My group cheers as we raise our weapons high.

It's time to finish this war. I will save every last civilian, and kill any Human who had hurt them.

(1052 words)

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now