Chapter Forty One

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John's P.O.V.

"Alright, John, usually I would give an injury like this a couple more days to heal, but uh, since you're SO intent on getting out of here, well, go on," Angelica says while unwrapping the bandages around my right wrist. Over a couple of days, my tongue is healed, but I can't speak. My right hand, my fighting hand, is still healing though.

I nod happily. I reach over to a piece of paper and try to write using my left hand. Peggy perks up and watches.

" wait where..." She guesses, squinting at my messy handwriting. Well, messier handwriting. I was never that good to begin with. "Where is..ass-ander. Oh! Alexander!"

I smile and nod vigorously. I then realise that I can still probably make noises, so I try saying 'Where?' I uh...I failed.

"John," Eliza walks over, her voice as kind as ever. "I've been reading up a bit on other warriors who have lost most speech, and it seems the only words you could say are ones which don't require your tongue. Like, pop, bob, stuff like that," She says with a smile on her face. I force a grin out.

"I would advise you to leave at dawn tomorrow, as it is a couple of hours till dusk at the moment," Angelica suggests. "If you were to leave now, you would arrive at night."

I open my mouth for a witty comeback, but nothing comes out. I scowl and carry on writing with my left hand.

"Not if...I...guy?" Peggy raises an eyebrow. I frown and playfully bump her arm. "Oh! Fly! You write F's weird, sorry."

Not if I fly there fast enough.

Angelica sighs. "John, please-"

"Oh, let him go, Angie," Eliza snaps. "He will handle himself." She helps me up, and Peggy grabs my weapons, a sword and a spear.

"Which do you want?" She says while opening the tent flap with her wing. I pause.

Which do I want? A sword, or a spear. Hm. Whatever I choose I'll have to use my left hand. I glance at my right hand, which still has many cuts and bruises. Maybe...

I point at both. Peggy raises an eyebrow yet again. "Well alright then, tiger," She takes a breath and hands me them both. I wince a bit at the heaviness of the sword being in my right hand, but I walk out of that tent like a champion. I take a breath.

Night is falling soon. I must get to the battle, and fast.

I spread my wings, and off I go.


The sun is just starting to fall as I arrive at Base 1732, and already, fires are being lit. I look for Lafayette because hopefully, he can give me something to do.

I also keep an eye out for Lukas. I told (Well, wrote) the Schuyler sisters about him, but sending a letter during a battle is obviously not possible.

Suddenly, I spot a bunch of people flooding out of one quite massive tent. And...they all have wings! But, no weapons. Are those the townspeople of Newtide? Gosh.

A soldier with dark blue wings is leading them out, and I suddenly recognize that soldier. Hercules! He's leading the civilians to safety!

I notice that some civilians have small knives, and the small children seem to be crowding around them. Army veterans. Mostly men, but I do see a couple of women there as well. Hercules turns and sees me, and a big smile breaks out on his face.

"John! So great to see you! Alexander is freeing civilians on the other side of the base, go find him!" He shouts, waving his daggers. I nod, smiling, but then see a Human soldier sneaking up behind them.

I open my mouth to warn the civilians, but I quickly snap out of it. No more talking John. Just act.

I divebomb down to where the Human is, and-

Well. I'll spare you from the details.

The civilians start making their way to safety, as I continue my search for anyone who needs a helping hand.

That's when I see him.

Trying to convince some Winged civilians that he's not one of them while carrying two swords.

My vision is getting worse as the sun crawls under the horizon. I fly on over there, and without landing, gesture to the civilians that Alexander is good. All I did was point at him, do a thumbs up. The civilians get the gist and thank Alexander. The veterans lead them away, small children being carried by their elders.

My heart pumps with joy at seeing Alexander again. At the back of my mind, was the growing worry for him. Gosh, and he's okay! He's fine!

I let out a whooping-ish sound and scoop Alexander up, high into the sky where we're just laughing. Alexander kisses me, and it's only then when I realise that there are tears in his eyes.

"Johnny, I-" Alexander sniffs. "Your beautiful voice-" I wipe the tears away from his eyes and smile as if to say that it'll be okay. And it will be okay. Our lifestyle will just have to change a bit.

"But who did this to you? Ah, right, you can't answer," Alexander takes a shaky breath. "Well-"

Suddenly, a new set of wings come up near us, and the voice I hear shakes me to my core.

"Hey, lovebirds! Why don't you get back down there and fight?"

Lukas. It doesn't seem like he has recognized me yet. I flap my wings and adjust in a way so my back is to him. My rainbow wings might give it away though. I widen my eyes at Alexander. I have to make him understand who he is. What he did to me.

"John, what..." Alexander's face twists as he tries to understand. I start to shake. I mouth the words 'He did this,' over and over again, I nudge my head behind me.

Alexander's face hardens. He understands.

"Let me at him!" He growls, thrashing to get out of my grip. No, you idiot! We're like 100 meters in the air! I hold Alexander tight, and in doing so, twist around to Lukas, who has been hovering there curiously.

Our eyes meet. The smile is wiped off his face but quickly replaced with a new one.

"Well, I guess my cover is blown," He shrugs. Lukas divebombs under us, spreading his wings at the last second, and soon I can only see a speck of orange in the horizon. I want to go after him, but, there seems to be a certain angry boyfriend in my arms.

"Oh man!" Alex gasps. "I'm gonna kill that guy!'

I want to speak. I want to say that the battle must go on. I want to say that we have to keep going, we have to completely reclaim this place by dawn. But I can't.

I can only say it with my eyes, my hands, my thoughts. I can only gesture what I want to say.

A single tear rolls down my cheek.

(1146 words)

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now