Chapter Twenty

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John's P.O.V.

Ugh. Everything hurts. Mostly everything, actually. I open my blurry eyes to see my room, and I wonder when I can get breakfast. Wait, my room? My room! What!? I'm home! I turn my head to the left, everything still getting clearer. Gosh, my head is killing me. About 90 percent of my pain is coming from my head.

And that's when I get the shock of my life.

Sitting on a chair, right next to me, is Alexander. No way, this can't be real. Why would he be here? After he left me without a word for Major General Washington? Ha, no way. So there must only be one possible explanation...

"GHOST!" I yell, sitting up. I'm pointing at Ghost-Alexander accusingly, and I've scrunched up against the wall. Kind of a stupid move, since now not only is my head pounding, but Ghost-Alexander blinks, before chuckling.

"I'm not a ghost! I'm really here John," Not-Ghost-Alexander says kindly. I gape at him, wondering if it's too good to be true. Lexi's come back? Well, ghosts probably don't exist, so it must be him. I don't know how to feel. On one hand, he left me for a job, and legacy and all that. On the other hand, he came back.

"Lexi!" I throw my arms around him, the pain in my head still there, but it's slightly subsided. I hug him tightly, completely ecstatic. "Why have you finally come back? Have you quit your job?" I ask eagerly, pulling away. Alex's hair is pulled into a messy ponytail, and there are bags under his eyes. He looks tired, but Lexi always looks tired. Nothing a little relaxation with yours truly can't fix.

"Well, I haven't quit my new position, but I've come back to see you," He explains. "I got a letter from Lafayette that mentioned that you got hurt. It took a lot of arguing, but I finally managed to get the permission to come see you," Alexander kisses me on my freckled cheek, and I giggle helplessly. All anger and grief I previously had disappears like a bubble that has been popped. He actually came back for me. He's taken a break. Alexander freaking Hamilton has actually taken a break to spend time with me.

"Gosh, that's amazing! Thank you, Lexi," I kiss him, just a little peck on his lips. Hold on, if we're in my room, that means we're in Wolfpine. "How did you find my house? What happened in the battle?" I ask quickly. Alexander quickly catches me up on what happened. Woah, I can't believe we lost and had to retreat to Wolfpine. Apparently, I got knocked out at some point and was carried here to Wolfpine, where I stayed in the medic's tent for a while. They sent me home, I'm guessing because my injuries aren't that severe.

"As for how I found your house, Hercules took me here. He really bombarded me with questions though," Alexander sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. He does look really cute when he does so, though. I laugh, before running my hand through Lexi's messy hair. He's here. I'm here. Everything is fine.

Then suddenly, as if on cue, my head starts pounding even more painfully. I let out a yelp before reaching up to the right side of my head. Gosh, that really hurts. Alexander peers at me, clearly worried. "Do you want to head to the medic's tent? They could give you some herbs or something," He suggests, climbing off the chair to sit by me on my chair. If I wasn't in that much pain it may have registered that there is a boy in my bed. Or on my bed. Same difference. I nod. Yeah, definitely want to visit the medic's tent.

We go downstairs where I help Alexander quickly made a late lunch for me. Since my head still hurts quite a bit, I guide Lexi while he cooks. We gulp down the soup he made in the pot and head on over to the medics tent, Alex always there to support me. Wow, okay, I've missed him. A lot.

The visit was quite short, Angelica checked me up and gave me some herbs. She told me that before I go to sleep every night, I must grind up the herbs and have them with some water. I gotta do this for a week. Easy enough. For the moment, she gives me some herbal soup to sooth the pain. Jeez, does everything they give have to do with herbs? Afterward, Alexander and I decided to walk around Wolfpine. This is my childhood home! I can't wait to show him all of my favourite places. I show him the public play area, which is just a simple field. There are children there now, but none are playing. They seem to be huddled in groups, quietly talking. Even the very young ones are listening. Strange. I suppose they're wondering why Base 1776 is here instead of being in...well, Base 1776 area. Rumours must be going around. Oh well, their parents are gonna have to break the truth to them at some point. I turn to Alexander, who is looking thoughtfully at the field.

"When I was younger we actually played games," I joke, and after a second Alexander laughs.

"I can just imagine it," Alexander shoots back, before comically squinting at the field. I chuckle as he returns to normal. We carry on until we reach an area with lots of shops. I see a store called Herc's Handywork, which the name of I slightly recognize. Ah! I remember now.

"Hey Lexi, that store over there, Herc's Handywork, was founded by our dear friend Hercules. Though, right now it's being run by someone else since y'know, Herc's in the army with us," I point over to the store and Alex's eyes follow. "He's a tailor, by the way," I add on. Alex nods.

"Do you think I could buy anything from these shops? I could use a new shirt," He ponders, looking around at the stores. Fancy Fashion, Silly Shirts, eh, nothing special. Now, Wonderful Wares is something special. It's a great store, and I buy all my stuff from it. But then again, Alexander is a Human, so...

"I get all my stuff from Wonderful Wares, but if you're looking for a shirt, then that may be a bit difficult. Everyone here buys and sells shirts that have ready made holes for each person's wings," I explain, wrapping an arm around Alexander's waist. "But since you're Human..."

"I'll just have two random holes on the back of my shirt," Alex finishes with a sigh. Suddenly, he perks up. "Hey, what if I ask whoever runs Herc's Handywork to alter a shirt I buy?" I think about it for a second. Usually, people go to a tailor to alter where the holes in a shirt are. I suppose covering up the holes wouldn't be a problem. A grin breaks onto my face as I grab Lexi's arm and start to run to Wonderful Wares.

"That will definitely work! C'mon, first we got to buy something!" I exclaim as Alex chuckles and runs along with me. We run into the store, and I take a quick look around. Identifying nice shirts. Done. Filtering them for what would look good on Alex. And...done. I rush around and grab some pretty shirts, five in all. Alex looks on, slightly amused at how excited I am. Well, how could I not be? I'm out shopping for my boyfriend. The shop owner (or at least someone who works there) yawns, obviously bored.

"Trying those on?" He asks. I nod and he points over to the changing rooms. Ooh, they've renovated. There used to only be one changing room, but now they've added a new one.

"Lexi, get in here," I call him urgently. He chuckles and walks over. I thrust the shirts into his arms and usher him in. "Quick! I want to see!"

"Alright, alright darling," Lexi says, and I blush slightly. Darling. Is that a new one? I'm not sure.

Half an hour later and five shirts later, we walk out with two shirts in Lexi's hands. We had picked a lovely green top and a dashing blue shirt, which I think makes Alex look very professional. Heh, when he returns to Base 1732 he'll look very, very, hot- THAT IS TO SAY, HE'LL LOOK SAVVY AND SLICK. Yeah.

You know, I don't actually know when Alexander's heading back. Perhaps in a week or two. I hope it's in two weeks because it's been so quiet since he's left. No arguments with Thomas, no debating about the war with James, and Laf and Herc haven't even been able to tease/threaten him about treating me right. Gosh, we've all got to meet together at some point.

We're going into Herc's Handywork, where a lady inside who has turquoise wings greets us. She kind of looks like Hercules. She has the same skin tone and her eyes sparkle just like his. Must be his sister. We quickly explain to her what we need and she takes the shirts happily. We thank her and leave. As we walk down the path through Wolfpine, I slowly intertwine my fingers with Alexander's. I see him smile a little as he squeezes my hand. We stroll peacefully, not needing to say anything. I see a path that cuts through two homes that leads to the forest. Gosh, I remember that passageway from when I was a kid. I would always go into there and explore. I wonder...

I start to lead Alexander towards the path to the forest. "C'mon, there's some cool stuff in here!" I say to him, tugging Lexi along. He chuckles and keeps up with me. We tread down the path, which is quickly starting to become dirt the more we travel. I start pointing out things that were here when I was younger, like certain trees, or bushes that had grown. Gosh, there's so much to show! This might take a while...

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