Chapter Thirty Three

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Thomas's P.O.V.

Over the span of a few hours, I've come to realise that hey, maybe my parents have changed. If they haven't, then at least I tried.

And that's what I'm doing today. Trying. It's no good having this...relationship that was left on a bad note poisoning my heart. I can try and fix it. Just try.

I rotate the letter nervously in my hands as the line to the mailbox gets shorter and shorter. Oh god, I'm getting second doubts for this. I glance down at what I had written on the envelope. It's addressed to my parents, with my old address written on there as well.

My stomach is doing flips once I reach the front of the line. I take a deep breath and look at the letter one last time.

It'll be fine, Thomas. At least you're trying.

I slip the letter through the small gap and watch as it disappears into the darkness.


I walk away as quickly as possible, trying not to think too hard about what I've just done.

I've reformed a connection in my life. And I'm terrified.


The letter contained an invitation for lunch, and the plan is I'm going to try and fix stuff between us. I've talked quite a bit with James, and he's coming with us for backup and support. So...yeah.

While we sit and wait at the table, I can't stop myself from being super nervous and moving around a lot. I bounce my leg, keep on looking around for them, while James is calmly reading the menu. What if they don't come? What if they still haven't changed? What if-

"Thomas. Calm down," James's soothing voice brings me back to reality. He still hasn't looked up from the menu, so I take a quick glance over my shoulder. "Tommy, stop doing that. You look like you just killed someone and are expecting the authorities to find you at any second." James is finally looking up with a tint of a smile on his face.

I let out a chuckle. A nervous chuckle, but still a chuckle nevertheless. But then James's face goes from a sweet smile to blank, and I can't resist the urge to look behind me again.

Oh, shoot. They're here.

I quickly stand up, and before my mind can go into panic mode, I go to greet them.

"Mother! Father! Uhm, nice to see you again," I say with a pained smile on my face. Oh dear this is so awkward ACK-

"Thomas! We're so glad that you're doing this for us!" Father's smile is just as pained. After we sit down and they say hello to James. We sort of sit there while looking at our menu's. I keep flicking up my eyes to see what they're doing, and it's just making the whole thing even worse. My heart starts beating faster.

Oh god, this was a terrible idea. I never should have done this. Oh crap oh crap...

Suddenly, I feel a warm and rough hand clasp over mine. James. I glance over to him, and he's smiling at me. There's a certain twinkle in his eyes that just calms me down. I can do this. Just do what James told me before. Be honest, be brutally honest. This whole forced situation isn't working. I take a deep breath before clearing my throat.

"Mother, Father, um," I pause. Both of them look above their menus to meet my eyes. Be honest, Thomas. "This whole forced 'Niceness' thing isn't working," I admit. "Can we normal?"

Mother lets out a sigh of relief as she lowers her menu. "Thanks, Thomas. I felt so...trapped in that mode. I'll take the biggest steak they have, by the way," She adds, pointing to the menu. A grin on my face appears. Mother has always been a massive foodie.


After ordering our lunch and making small talk, I decided to steer the conversation to more serious things.

"So um, I didn't just invite you two here to make small talk. I um, I wanted to fix things between us," I say semi-quietly. Mother smiles like she's never smiled before.

"Oh Thomas, we're so sorry for what we did in the past," She says, leaning forward to put her hand on mine.

"We've gone through some counselling, even talked to Charlotte, and we're now changed people," Father adds on. My parents share a look with each other and Mother takes a deep breath.

"We've now realised that it wasn't fair on you to set all those expectations so high. We did because we loved you, and thought that we were doing you a favour, to teach you to always shoot for the stars, y'know." Mother explains.

"But we wrong," Father shakes his head sadly as if reminiscing. "My father had also put expectations on me, but only now do I realise that there's a certain difficulty you must set them, otherwise...well, you know."

I nod my head. I do know. Otherwise, the kid, me, will start to despise their parents. My parents. My parents, who only wanted the best for me this entire time. And then that kid would run away from the only people who cared about them at the time. Shoot, I was an idiot.

"And we are so sorry about how we reacted when you came out," Father blurts out. "We- I panicked," He admits, stuttering a bit. "As a Jeffersons, I was always taught to have a pure bloodline, and the chance of you not actually having a kid that wasn't yours...I freaked."

I notice that James moved his head away so he's looking out the window, and I understand. It's awkward. This whole lunch will be sort of awkward.

"I forgive you two," I finally say. It surprises me when my voice catches. I don't usually cry. "You've changed, and...I've changed. It all sounds so cheesy, but I think we can get along now."

Tears prick the corners of my eyes. Goddamnit Thomas, you made the whole thing sound so goddamn cheesy. Mother is also blinking away some tears, but we're all smiling.

After a few minutes of solving old problems, we're back to talking like we did in the good ol' days. Even James joined in. I feel so much more...complete. Like something was missing this entire time.

We laughed together, we ate together, and it all felt so normal, yet so different at the same time. I love this feeling. It's strange. It shimmers up and down through my stomach, my heart, even to my brain.

By the time the bill has come, the three Jeffersons are already fighting for it.

"I invited you two, I should pay!"

"I'm the oldest male, gimme that bill!"

"I ate the most food, I ought to pay!"

"Guys guys guys..." James calms all of us down. How does he do that? "I'll pay." He grabs the bill out of the poor waiters' hands and as quick as lightning, slams down some Quetzal's and sends the waiter away again. We're all complaining but we all end up laughing.

"Thomas," Father calls. "I was wondering that perhaps after this, we could go back to our house? One lunchtime isn't enough to make up for everything."

My heart starts pounding faster in a good way as I face James. He smiles as if saying 'Go ahead.'

"I would love that!" I almost squeal. Mother has the widest grin on her face.

I look around at my parents and James, who seems really proud of me.

I did it.

I tried and guess what?

I succeeded.

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