Chapter Twenty Two

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Lafayette's P.O.V.

After I had discovered about the duel between Hercules and Acer, we had a meeting in my office (yeah, thanks mum for butting in with hot chocolate just as I was getting serious), and as Hercules suspected, everything was already resolved so...I was kind of useless. Eh. It was good hot chocolate though... When the meeting was finished we all had a huge Base 1776 meeting where I upped their determination to win (hopefully anyway), but I didn't see Alexander and John during the meeting. I suppose they didn't know about it, but still... Anyway, now Hercules and I are enjoying the peace and quiet of my house.

"So mon amour, what made you duel Acer in the first place?" I ask. It's been on my mind for a while but I thought it would be a bit too straightforward if I had asked it during the meeting. Hercules lights up, which is surprising, because who gets happy when someone asks them why they dueled someone?

"I'm glad that you asked! See, I've realised that I have a hard time admitting I'm wrong, so when Acer announced that he thinks I caused the loss of the battle and the loss of five people, I sort of knew he was right, but that we like, way down in my conscience. For a while, I actually believed that I was right and he was wrong, but during the actual duel I realised and accepted that I was wrong. So, yeah, that's the gist of it," Hercules chatters, beaming all the way. I smile a little too, I mean, how can I not? He's acting adorable! "Wait a second..." Hercules pauses to think for a second, before looking back up at me. "Laf, can you help me? I want to improve myself, so, from now on, please tell me when I'm acting stubborn and not admitting that I'm wrong, okay?" He asks me. I'm a bit surprised, but hey, it's not that much of a big job.

"Yeah sure dude-"

"Except on Sunday's," Hercules adds on, not hearing me. "On Sunday's I get to be a stubborn douche," He shrugs sheepishly, and I daresay cutely. That' you use the word daresay, right? Eh, doesn't matter. I raise an eyebrow at what he said.

"Oh but Hercules, shouldn't self-improvement be worked on every day?" I tease in a know it all tone. He frowns slightly and I beam in triumph. Alright, now wait for it...

"No, I should get a day off-"

"Quick Hercules, you're falling back into the habit of not being able to admit that you're wrong!" I say rapidly as Hercules gasps.

"Oh my gosh, Laf! You're right!" He exclaims sarcastically. "I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion anymore!" We both share a laugh.

"Alright, alright, Herc, you can have Sunday's off," I laugh it off a little. We continue to chat and giggle before I hear someone knock on the door. I frown a little. I did request to be left alone this afternoon, but I suppose if it is an emergency...I stand up to go answer the door. Just as I had opened it a very angry Alexander just storms in like he lives here.

"Lafayette!" He turns around to face me, and I swear I see a bolt of lightning flash across his iris. "Where the hell am I sleeping tonight?" Alexander demands. I narrow my eyes at him as I step of out the way and back to sit down.

"Jeez Alex, I thought you'd be spending your evenings at John's place," I raise an eyebrow at him expectingly. Alexander scowls, which surprises me. Usually, when we mention John's name he lights up happily like a puppy. He starts to tap his foot impatiently, still not having said a single word. I exchange a look with Hercules. He definitely wants to get to the bottom of this."What happened?" I ask slowly and carefully.

"We had a fight," Alexander replies shortly. I try to catch his eye but he's looking everywhere else.

"You, what?" Hercules growls. I hear the clatter of his seat as he stands up abruptly. "Do you even know how- do you even care how- Goodness, Alexander! Why! Why!? John was just getting over you leaving when you just have to waltz right back in and ruin all his hard work in trying to get over you!" Hercules flails his hands dangerously in the air, while Alexander still refuses to look at either of us. I kind of agree with Hercules, I mean, John was really heartbroken. Yet, I still can't help but feel like there's something about this news that I don't know about. After a few seconds of Hercules shouting at him, I finally seem to sense Alexander snapping.

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