Chapter Six

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Lafayette's P.O.V.

I sit in my tent, worrying about James and Thomas. They left yesterday afternoon, and they still haven't returned for a whole day. After pondering the situation for a long time, I decide to try to forget about it. Thomas and James will be fine. Hopefully.

"Laffy?" Herc comes in, and I sigh. I can't just say I'll forget about it, I'm the General of this base! They were citizens of Base 1776, why wouldn't I be worried? "What's up?" He says as he takes a seat across from me.

"James and Thomas still haven't returned, I'm starting to really worry about them, mon amour." I explain. Hercules stays silent for a moment.

"Well, maybe we could send a search party?" Herc suggests. I smile sadly.

"That's the thing. I would, but they could be anywhere by now. It's an impossible mission. They could be separated, for all we know. And with Thomas's wings, he could have traveled all the way to the marshlands in this amount of time." I say. Hercules grumbles, crossing his arms. "We just..." I struggle for the right words. "Have to hope that they'll return."

"Well, we have to do something. Look at you! How can you command 1776's soldiers to fight when you're worrying like this!?" Hercules argues.

"I know, but-"

"BUT, what if you make the wrong decision while you're worrying? You could cause the deaths of many warriors!" Herc stands up and points at me.

"Mon amour-"

"What if you're worrying so much that you're distracted in battle and you-and you..." Tears start streaming down his cheeks and I finally realize what he means by this. I've been worrying about everything, like if we have enough food to eat or if we've trained enough to be fighting in the front lines. It's starting to affect us, our relationship together. I start to pale. I've never noticed this.

"Herc, mon amour, please listen to me!"I try, but Hercules is too distraught to listen. He stomps back and forth, steam practically coming out of his ears.

"HEY GUYS I'M B-ohhhh am I interrupting something?" Thomas trips into my tent. I hadn't heard him land. He's in really bad shape. One black eye, his arm looks weird, and he has multiple cuts and bruises on him and his wings.

"No no no you are not, but mon ami, what happened to you!" I exclaim, standing up and walking to him. I examine his arm, it seems broken, but I'm no medic. I glance at Herc, who is having a staring contest with the floor. "Hercules, we'll finish our conversation later," I say quietly. "Thomas, I'll take you to the medic. What happened? Ah, where's James?" I ask, leading him outside.

"Oh! We got attacked by Human warriors, and James got captured so we have to go rescue him!" Thomas says, angrily. My stomach drops.

"H-he got captured?" I stammer. Oh no! James is too innocent and sweet! What are they going to do to him? "A-are you sure?" I ask him.

"Uhm, no, I flew away and I couldn't grab him, I don't know what happened next, but they must've gotten him!" Thomas explains. I smile thoughtfully.

"But what if he escaped? I have a plan, but first, where did you get attacked?" I inquire.

"Uh, near this river, there's a hill, and we were near one of those hollow trees." Thomas says. Ok, I know where that is. Now, I just need a few people to help.

"Thomas, can you fly?"

"Yeah, but it kinda hurts. I barely made it here without collapsing."

"Glide down to that tent," I point to a tent near the barracks. "That's the medic. She'll help ya." He nods and jumps off the cliff, gliding gracefully, until he crashes into the ground. But he did so gracefully.

"So, what now?" Hercules says, coming up from behind me. I notice the sour tone in his voice.

"I'm leaving you in charge," I say, putting my hands on his shoulders. "I'm taking John and a few soldiers to search the area where Thomas and James were attacked to see whether James managed to escape. I trust you, Hercules." I look into his eyes and see a cloud of uncertainty in them. "And we'll talk later, I promise." I add. Herc sighs and nods. I smile, wave goodbye, and launch myself towards the barracks.


I fly alongside John and three other soldiers, catching them up on what's happened.

"I'm honoured to help you on this mission, General!" A soldier says.

"Thanks, uh..." I mumble, searching my mind for his name.


"Thanks, JD! Wait," I say, thinking. I recognize that name. "Aren't you supposed to be in Base 1989?" JD blinks.

"I thought this was Base 1989..." He says carefully. I sigh.

"Go." I order. JD flies off. Weird guy.

"Yo Laffy, I think we're here." John calls, and my heart starts to ache. I only allow Hercules to call me Laffy, but I guess I've been too stressed about my job as General to remember about mon amour.

"Alright, everyone go down, but be careful because there may be Human soldiers still here-" John dives down, clearly not giving a heck about my instructions. I smile. Same old John. The other two follow my lead as we land. First things I see? An open hollow tree, footprints and near the downward point of the hill some leaves and bushes look tampered with. I close the door, before inspecting the bushes. John's one step ahead of me. He's slowly walking down the hill, trying not to fall. I look past him to see a river. John looks back and yells.

"Dude! I think James ran and fell down this hill, and I'm pretty sure that blob I see by the river is him!" He shouts, and I spread my wings and fly over him, careful not to hit any trees. I land and kneel next to the blob, which turns out to actually be James. He's unconscious, and his leg is twisted in a way that makes me wanna hurl. Like Thomas, he's covered in bruises and cuts, but many more than his partner. I hold his shoulder to make him sit up, while I hear John behind me.

"John, help me lift up James. Actually, get the soldiers to carry him to the medics tent. I have a conversation with Herc to finish." I give James's limp body to John.

"Oooohhh, some unfinished business with Hercules hmm?" John teases. Oh, if only he knew. The soldiers come over and John helps them carry James. We set off back to base.

"Uh, General Lafayette?" A soldier, who I remember as Paul asks.

"Oui? I mean, yes?"

"Carl here realised the footprints from the Human soldiers must lead to their base, sooo..." Paul says. I blink.

"Paul, Carl, I'm sorry but everyone knows where the Humans base is."

"Yeah, but I followed it before you called us in and checked my map, it doesn't lead to the Human base. I saw a glimpse of a cave entrance with a Human outside it." Paul says. I frown. Strange. I must tell Monsieur Washington about this in my next report letter.

"Yeah, and so I stabbed him and we ran away." Carl chimes in.

"CAAARRRRLLLL you promised not to mention that part!" Paul whines. I laugh.

"It's fine, let them know we found them. I'll be sure to mention this to Washington." I tell them. They nod happily.

Once we get to base I make sure Carl delivers James to the medic, because he seems kinda unpredictable. Once we enter holding James, Thomas gasps and rushes over to James.

"Mr. Jefferson don't forget that your arm is sprained-" The medic, Theodosia, comes over. "Ah. That's definitely a broken leg." She says, pointing at James's misshapen leg. She holds him and brings him to a new mat. "I'll take care of this, General Lafayette. Now, off to our separate duties." I smile before leaving. I do have duties, one of them with Hercules written all over it.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now