Chapter Two

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James's P.O.V.

I trudge through the forest...well. Let's be honest. Thomas trudges through the forest while he lets me ride on his back. I just kept tripping over the tree roots! Behind us, the Schuyler sisters are struggling to carry the potion, which is encased in a giant pot. They had slapped a lid on it and we were on our way. I nuzzle into Thomas's neck as he hums. Gotta admit, not to keen on meeting Winged soldiers. What will they think when they see Thomas and I are gay? What will they think of me, a Human?

As we travel closer and closer to Base 1776, my insecurities grow more and more. I shift my position on Thomas's back, as his humming comes to an end I decided to speak.

"Thomas? What if the Winged there don't like me? What if they think I'm a spy or something?" I ask him, my voice low and laced with fear. Thomas sighs.

"If that happens, I'll try to convince them that you're not a spy, but if that doesn't work..." His voice trails off. Thomas takes a deep breath. "Then either we try another camp or attempt to live out here," I sigh and nuzzle my head into Thomas's poofy hair. "Hey, it's gonna be fine," Thomas says, his voice soft for once. "I'll make sure of it."

"Thanks." I say softly. I think about the day before, where Thomas and Peggy got their wings back. I remember Thomas, soaring through the sky. I had felt so sad. I would never be able to fly next to him, only if he carries me we can fly together, which is kinda boring to say the least. I wish I had wings, I wish that potion could give me wings, but alas, I had asked Angelica and she said the potion could only return, not create.


We walk past a tree and the camp comes into view. It has a few tents near a waterfall, and the forest around the side has a path leading into a meeting area or something. The waterfall leads into a lake, then into a river, and that river is the only thing separating us from them. A few soldiers are dotted around the camp, laughing around the lake.

"Uh..." Thomas mumbles while the Schuyler sisters catch up.

"What's up?" Angie says, before seeing the river. "No seriously, guys this is nothing." She says. The three each hold a handle on the pot before flying over the river.

"Alright James, let's go," Thomas says, putting me down. "Hold on!" He grins, before lifting me up and soaring across the river. I yelp and put my arms around him. We quickly reach the other side and Thomas puts me down, blushing. I smile a little and turn to see the sisters talking to a guy who looks quite like Thomas, but he had his hair up in a bun. I start to sweat nervously. Thomas slips his hand in mine as we walked up to him.

"Oh! Almost forgot," Eliza smiles before turning to us. "These two need a home, so we were thinking-"

"Oh of course!" Bun guy looks at Thomas and grins. He then looks at me and his smile falters. Sweat creeps down the back of my neck as he looks at Angie.

"I thought the potion brings wings back..?" He asks. Angelica clears her throat. I hide behind Thomas like the shy koala I am.

"He's a human." She says, the statement becoming a question. Bun guy shrugs.

"Alright. So, since you two seem to be dating, you can both have that free tent over there." He points to a tent near the back of them all, and we thank him.

"Bye Angie! Bye Eliza! And bye Peggy!" I exclaim, hugging them.

"Bye James!" They smile. Even for the short time I had been with them, we had grown very close. I hear Angelica mutter to Thomas, 'You hurt him I will find you and I will kill you.' I chuckle. After they leave, bun guy clears his throat.

"I'm General Lafayette, by the way," He says. "Anyway, gotta go, I have duties to attend to." Lafayette rushes off to the waterfall before extending his wings and taking to the sky. I laugh happily. We made it! We have a home.

"C'mon Jemmy! We can get some food to eat inside our tent." Thomas says. I yawn. Our trip had taken the entire day.

"Why don't we just sleep?" I suggest. Thomas shrugs.

"Sure. We had a lot of food this morning anyway." We walk over to our new home, while I try not to make eye contact with any Winged. I'm not ready to talk to them yet. I open the tent flap and smile. Two mats for beds, and that's it. But it's home. I walk in and sit on a mat. Comfortable, I guess. Thomas comes in and closes the flap before sitting next to me and hugging me. "Now we're all alone." He says, kissing me on my cheek. I giggle and turn red. I sit Thomas's lap and snuggle up against his neck. I slowly fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.


I open my eyes. Ugh, it's the middle of the night. Thought by now it'll be morning. I turn my head to see Thomas had lied down and had his arm around me. Cute. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to overcome me, but to no avail. After half an hour of staring at the tent's wall, I slowly shift out of Thomas's grip, careful not to wake him. I walk out of our tent and go through the forest. I walk and walk and walk aimlessly before I see two figures ahead of me.

One has curly hair and freckles, while the other had the beginnings of a beard. Both boys, definitely. But one had wings, and the other had none. My heart started to beat faster. Was the one with no wings a Human? Or was he a Winged who lost his wings? A-and what are they doing, moving closer to each other? All of a sudden, freckles kisses the other one. My eyes widen with surprise and happiness.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now