Chapter Four

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Alexander's P.O.V.

I yawn as I sit up. I rub my eyes and relax for a moment. The birds are chirping, there's a cute boy next to me, what could go wrong? Ah, right. What I heard when I worked in the Human's base. The war. I've been putting it off, but... Major General Washington hasn't told this camp about the war, so I guess it's up to me to shed some light on the situation. I carefully get out of bed, or well, the mattress John and I sleep on, to make sure that John doesn't wake up. I grab some paper and write him a note saying that I went to go talk to Lafayette. I walk out of my tent and sigh. Lafayette's tent is next to the waterfall...before it falls. So it's all the way up the cliff. And since everyone here are Winged, (except for me and James) there's no path. How the heck am I gonna get up there? I sigh again, frustration laced in my tone. This is gonna take a while.


I gasp as I finally made it up the cliff. I am NEVER doing that again. NEVER. I catch my breath for a bit before going into the tent.

"Hey, Laf." I say walking in. His tent is huge. The main part of it is a room with a desk where he sits, looking through some papers, but on the right, there's a sleeping area, on the left a nice little living room.

"Hello, Alexander! Come, take a seat, I'll be done reading this letter from Monsieur Washington soon." Lafayette beams. I sit down on the chair across from him.

"Yeah, well, about that. You see, when I was at the Humans base, I heard that King George, of the Humans, has declared war against the Winged." I explain, but halfway through I realize that he isn't listening. "Uh, Laf?" Suddenly, he gasps and stands up, clutching the letter tightly.

"The King of Humans has declared war against us! I have to tell everyone! Alexander, meet me down at the barracks and try to round everyone up. We must tell them all!" With that, Lafayette runs out of the tents and with a flamboyant jump, glides down to the rest of the base. I groan. Now, how am I gonna get down there? Perhaps I can jump down the waterfall...? Nah. That'll hurt. I walk out of the tent and peer down. Ugh. That Thomas guy and James are down there, talking. Guess they're my only chance of getting down.

"HEY! HEY! THOMAS! CAN YOU HELP ME?" I shout. He blinks and looks up, squinting.

"WHAAAAT?" He yells. James looks curiously at me, before taking Thomas's hand.


"NO!" Thomas shouts with a smirk. I groan and kick a pebble off the cliff. I stomp around in a huff. Why does he have to be so difficult? Why can't he just- It's a simple request! All of a sudden, Thomas flies up and lands.

"What changed your mind?" I cross my arms.

"James." He says, bored. I eye him.

"How are you gonn-" And with that, he pushed me off the cliff. "WHAT THE HEEEECCCCKKK!" I scream. Right before I hit the ground, I feel a tug on my shirt's collar that knocks the breath out of my throat. I'm tugged up, and Thomas lets me down on the ground. Ok, 'lets me down' sounds too gentle. More like he let go and I crashed. I jump up and glare at Thomas. "Way to cut it close, huh." I hiss. He laughs.

"Just revenge."

"For what!? UGGHHHHH. Anyway." I compose myself. "Lafayette wants everyone to meet in the barracks. Even you two, who are not soldiers." I say as James walks up to us.

"What does he want?" James asks.

"Yeah, and uh, you're not a soldier either." Thomas adds, a smug smile on his face.

"Just go." I say, exasperated. James shrugs and Thomas lifts him up before they fly away. Show-offs. I have no idea where John is, and it would be too uncomfortable for him to carry me anyway. I make my way, on foot, to the barracks.


I enter the barracks, and the first thing I do is look for John. Ah! There he is. He's with Herc.

"Hey, John!" I walk on over there. John looks at me happily.

"There you are, Lexi!" He gives me a huge hug, arms, and wings. I hug back.

"Alright everyone listen up!" Lafayette walks past us, nudging Hercules.

"Herc, can you make everyone SHUT UP!" He says, the last part directed at the chattering soldiers. Silence falls over the crowd. I spot Thomas and James looking uncomfortable in the midst of it all. "Alright, everyone, I have some news from Major General Washington." Laf starts. "Base 1776 has existed for quite some time, and we've never really fought in a war. Well, that's about to change." Gasps and small bursts of conversation scatter through the Winged soldiers. John gasps and grabs my hand. I squeeze it in a comforting manner.

"So, is this official or-" John whispers to me.

"The letter I received from Monsieur Washington says that King George has declared war against the Winged. That sucks, seeing as we have some Human friends here." He nodded at James and I. "Now-"

"Uh, hold on," Thomas interrupts, stepping forward. "So you're saying that this war may be the end of my relationship with James? I ain't having that. He might get hurt, captured or worse."

"Yeah! Alex here can't fight!" John argues. I clear my throat.

"Actually I can-"

"Cannot! Those Humans are messed up dude! What if they kidnap Alex? They might try to get him to fight for them, and what will I do if we run across each other in battle?" John finishes. That's a really good point. I wouldn't ever hurt John and vice versa.

"Calm down John, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I say to him. James calms Thomas down, but I can see that he is also pretty freaked and scared.

"What if we..." Lafayette starts pacing around. "James, Alexander, would you two be willing to go back to the Humans and work for them, but secretly be spies?" He says excitedly, facing towards me. I start to grin. That's perfect! I won't be bored here, missing the action. I could be out there! Being a spy! Sounds cool.

"Yeah! That would be-"

"No!" James and John shout at the same time.

"There is...NO way I'm going back!" James yells. That's weird, for the short amount of time I've known James, he's a very soft-spoken person.

"C'mon James, it'll be fun!" I encourage. John glares at me. What's up with him?

"No! No way! Never." James yells.

"James..." Thomas reaches his arm out and James lets him pull him into a hug.

"James, I barely know you but I get the feeling that some...bad things happened to you back in the Human town. But I get you!" I say. Every soldier has their eyes on us. Thomas starts to glare at me, like trying to warn me to stop. I don't stop. "I used to be bullied a lot at my school before I started work as a guard. Even there, they bullied me. I don't want to go back either, but it's for the good of the war! We can help!" James doesn't make a sound. I sigh, slightly annoyed. "Ugh, listen James, some bad stuff might've happened to you but you have to move on. Like seriously, what was so bad that makes you like this-" Suddenly, James pushes Thomas off him, and he crashes to the ground.

"You don't know anything!" He howls, tears streaming down his face. Murmurs run through the crowd as my face pales. Maybe saying that was a bad idea... James runs off into the forest, sniffling, and slightly tripping a few times.

"James wait!" Thomas gets up and runs a few meters before turning back to me. Uh oh. He looks furious. "What. Have. You. Done?" He snarls. "You have no idea what James has been through! Ugh!" He pushes me and I fall into John's arms. As he helps me back up Thomas runs into the forest, calling James's name.

"Good job Alex." I hear Herc behind me. I turn to him. "You've broken him." Realization dawns on me. Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have said those things without knowing what happened to him... Whoops.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now