Chapter Fourteen

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John's P.O.V.

I yawn and turn over, absentmindedly wrapping my arm around...nothing. Right, Alexander isn't home yet. Well, time to start the day. I did volunteer to help Hercules scout the area, so perhaps I should go find him. Gosh, I hope Alexander gets home soon. I really miss him.


After spending the morning scouting the area with Herc and telling each other how much we miss Laf/Alex, we return to the barracks for lunch. As I land, I shake the hair out of my face and there sitting on the picnic Lafayette. With Thomas and James. I gasp, my eyes lighting up as I run over.

"Laf! Oh YES, you're back!" I slam my hands on the table excitedly. "Ow! Uh, where's Alexander? Is he in our tent? Oh, I should probably go check myself-"

"John," Lafayette interrupts, with a...glum tone? What? I lower my wings. "Alexander isn't coming back. He's Washington's right-hand man now."


He-he promised!

He said he would stay with me!

"John, are you-" James asks nervously.

"NO! Just- just I need some time!" I growl at him, before instantly regretting it. James doesn't need me shouting at him. "Sorry, I just- I just...UGH!" I let out a bitter, heartbroken howl before flying off. Tears prick at my eyes, and I let them fall. I can't believe him. I trusted him. What makes him think this is okay!? Once Lexi said that we belong together, so...why isn't he here? With me? I let him go.

He's never coming back, is he?

I land next to our tent.  I walk inside, closing the flap behind me. My stomach grumbles, but I ignore it. I lie down and rest.

Just rest.


James's P.O.V.

John...oh no, that stupid Alexander has gone and broken the gay bean. I pale and watch as John flies away, the howl he made still echoing in my head.

"Oh, gawd...Herc, c'mon let's go make him lunch." Lafayette runs a hand through his hair while Hercules stares off into the distance with a pained expression. He mutters something I can't hear before the both the of them leave to the kitchens.

Something is starting. Something other than the attack we're expecting. I can feel it.

From there, Hercules tells Lafayette about the letter and he announces the information we already know during dinner. John hasn't arrived, which is sadly expected. Lafayette also orders a proper curfew so no one wandering out gets captured, and also a program for people to keep watch overnight. He's posted the program on the notice board, which has always stayed relatively empty. After dinner, Thomas and I went to go check our names.

"Alright, James looks like we're keeping watch on the east side of the base on...Wednesday! Hey, we have two days to chillax so let's go swimming in the waterfall area." Thomas suggests. I smile, but my mind isn't really there.

"Sure, but tonight we should check on John. I'm quite worried about him." I wrap my arm around Thomas's waist and he shrugs.

"Good idea, but remember the curfew is sundown, so we've got about half an hour before we have to return to our tent," Thomas warns. I grin and hug him hard.

"Then we better get there quick!" And with that, Thomas wraps his arms around me and we take off to John's tent. As we land, I notice the clouds above us look very dark. Must be a storm approaching. I tell this to Thomas, and he looks up and squints at the sky.

"All the more reason to do this quickly." He says, and I can tell from his voice that he's trying to be brave for me. Aw, that's so cute! I smile to myself. I walk up to John's tent before hesitating. Maybe he does need some time to himself. Well, I'll just give it a try.

"John? Hey, if you want to come hang with us you can, but if you need some time alone I totally understand!" I say softly and kindly towards his tent flap. Silence. I glance back at Thomas, who is scowling. Jeez, Alexander isn't even here. I wonder what's up with him. Eh, shouldn't be nothing much. I turn back to John's tent, still awaiting an answer.


"Alright John, I understand. I think Hercules is coming soon with your dinner, so please try to relax, eat, and maybe tomorrow you can eat breakfast with all of us." I take a deep breath and before I could finish my 'grand' speech to him, I hear some thunder off in the distance, I turn my head to the sound of it quickly before turning back. "Oh um, there's a storm coming, so if you get too lonely you can bunk with Thomas and me for the night."

"Wait, what?" Thomas exclaims bluntly, with a mild tone of annoyance. I walk back to him and glare.

"John needs our friendship right now, we have to be there for him," I remind him. Thomas crosses his arms and huffs.

"Fine, but it's sundown now so we should go." Thomas smiles, and I grin.

"Goodbye, John! Hope you feel better tomorrow!" I call before Thomas hugs me and we fly away. I really hope he gets over Alexander staying, otherwise, I might've just lost a good friend.


The storm has started. Thomas and I are cuddled up in our tent, struggling against the cold that comes along with the fiercest of storms. The wind howls, the sound of it like spirits screaming for freedom. That's impossible, of course, since spirits don't exist, but it still frightens me. The rain patters down brutally on our tent, and for a moment I play with the idea of if it's possible for the rain to tear it down. I snuggle up closer to Thomas, a single lantern illuminating our faces.


"Yeah Tom?"

"I-I have something to...something to-to confess," Thomas says, his stutter slightly taking over his speech. I frown, fearing the worst. "I'm scared, James. I'm really scared." He says, his voice shaky and quiet, which is nothing like the Thomas I'm used to. I sit up to scan his face. His lip is trembling, and his eyes are cold and frightened.

"Of the storm?" I ask, hoping that he is. I mean, it would be easier to deal with, easier for me to help him. Thomas shakes his head, before nodding it. I cock my head in confusion, and Thomas takes a deep breath.

"Well, yes, but not only that. We're expecting an- we're expecting an attack, and I'm worried that all the friends we've made here might get hurt, or, or worse." Thomas sighs.

"Thomas, I'm scared too, but I'm sure we can help each other get through this," I say softly, leaning into Thomas's chest. He stays silent, and before I can say another word an especially loud clap of thunder rumbles near us. I squeak and bury my head into Thomas's chest, wrapping my arms around him as I do so. He stays motionless, and I look up. Suddenly, Thomas pushes me away from him. I stare at him, astonished. Thomas has a pained, troubled look on him.

"James, I-"

"GUYS!" Someone bursts in our tent, and my head whirls around to look at them. It's John, and he's soaking wet. "H-hey I remember you said I could bunk with you if I erm, if I got lonely, and the storm is, well the storm is really scary right now, so if it's if it's okay can I stay here with you all?" John stammers, sitting down shakily. I nod my head frantically, moving over to him.

"Yes of course! Here, I'll grab a towel for you to dry off with. Thomas, can you give up your mat for John tonight? You can sleep with me." I ask him while handing John a towel. He takes it gratefully while Thomas scowls.

"Yeah, John can take it, but I think I can just sleep on the floor," Thomas says with a grim tone. I frown.

"Are you-"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now come on, the lanterns almost out anyway," Thomas lies down, facing away from John and I. I shrug, perhaps he really is just scared of the storm. Actually, I better ask what's wrong tomorrow morning. Might be important. John lies down on Thomas's mattress and me on mine. The storm rages on, the wind howling, rain pattering, and thunder rumbling.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now