Chapter Thirteen

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Alexander's P.O.V.

"Ugh, are we there yet?" I groan, lugging along my travel pack. Lafayette and I have been travelling to Base 1732 for three days now, as Laf insisted we go on foot since the Human soldiers may try to follow if we fly. And also I can't fly, cus y'know I'm a Human.

"Actually, we're almost there, so please shut up." Lafayette sighs, clearly tired of my whining. I roll my eyes and focus on not collapsing from exhaustion. I mean, I'm not THAT tired but still.

A few minutes later, just as Lafayette said, Base 1732 comes into view. My eyes widen. Oh my god. For one thing, the base is massive, there's a whole section spanning over where 50 trees would be just for the soldiers living quarters. Woah, the barracks are ten times the size of ours in Base 1776. Wait wait wait, are those medic tents? There's like 10 of them! This is freaking awesome! Compared to Base 1776, Base 1732 is bigger, better, and is WAY more efficient. But where will Washington's tent be? Aha! Over by a river, there's a massive tent, which would be the size of my tent back home but times by three. That's got to be Washington's.

"Alright Alexander, if you're done staring we've got work to do." Lafayette teases and I push him playfully. We make our way to Washington's tent. Lafayette readjusts his bun before going in, and I follow in a similar fashion.

"Greetings and salutations, Major General Washington." Lafayette greets. Washington looks up from his papers and smiles.

"Lafayette! What a pleasure to see you here. What brings you all the way to Base 1732 with this young man?" Washington asks, peering at me. Laf swallows nervously.

"Well, I bring some bad news," Lafayette says, his eyes glancing everywhere but Washington's eyes. Washington's smile disappears and he gestures to the two chairs in front of his desk. We sit down, and I try to figure out how to sit down in the most polite way possible. Lafayette starts to tell the story of what happened and Washington listens intently. I step in a few times to fill in the gaps, like how John led Thomas, James and I to go rescue them.

Once we finish Washington is silent.

"You told them the location of Base 1732," Washington says grimly. Lafayette silently gulps, and nods, a brave look in his eyes. Washington sighs. "Well, I suppose we're going to be attacked. Lafayette, return to Base 1776. And Alexander, I'm going to need someone to help me, I've had little to no sleep recently and I'm all fuzzy. Will you be my...ah, right-hand man?" My heartbeat quickens as Washington speaks. Right-hand man? I could help out in the war effort! I could- I could-

Leave John. I told him that I would be back in a few days. But...

I can't throw away my shot.

This is it.

"Yes, sir!" I exclaim, saluting. Lafayette stares at me while Washington beams.

"Good! Now, let's get to work." Washington scoots his chair closer to the desk, and Lafayette starts to leave. I grab his arm and he turns to me, his eyes cold as ice.

"Hey, uh, tell John I'm sorry." I quickly tell him, putting on a sheepish smile. He glares at me before looking away.

"Yeah, you better be." He mutters before leaving. Oh gosh...well, I can't dwell on it. I'm actually working with the Major General! Surely John will forgive me. I'll write plenty of letters, one every day for him! Or I'll try to. Who knows how busy I'll get now.

I turn my head to the task at hand, which is fortifying Base 1732 for the attack that must be coming.


Thomas's P.O.V.

I head into the barracks to see James and John talking to each other on the picnic table. They look pretty grim...wonder what's going on. I stride over, smiling at my boyfriend. This morning I grabbed a small little white and pink flower and gave it to James, he's now wearing it in his hair and looks super cute.

"Heya fellas!" I exclaim, grinning. James lits up and drags me down to sit with him, me giggling the whole time.

"Hey Thomas, we uh, received this letter from one of our messenger boys, and he looked pretty shaken up when he gave it to us. You should read this." The smile is wiped off my face as John hands me the letter. I uncrumple it and start reading.

Dear Winged of this camp,

After a band of you Human betrayers and Winged infiltrated and 'rescued' your fellow Winged in our temporary base, we decided we want revenge. You see, we're actually doing you all a favour by winning this war, since Winged are just Humans who have been possessed, and we need to cut off their wings to purify them. If you hadn't of interfered everything would've gone smoothly and the war would be already finished. Not to mention the spies we sent over could've also helped stop the war quicker. We all just want to get home, and you're stopping us from seeing our families.

You have defied us for the last time.

From, the Humans of Temp. Base 49

"Ah," I mutter, resting my hand on the table,  the letter still being held by my fingers. 'Winged are just Humans who have been possessed.' I remember some soldiers saying that to me a long time ago when I had my wings cut off. It was pretty stupid, like, we're born like this. Sorry, but I can't change that! I glance at my wings. wings. I wouldn't say new, I've had them for a few months now or so. During that time I have noticed they don't gleam as brightly as my original ones did. Sad, but at least I have them.

"So, what do you think they mean?" James asks, putting his hand over mine.

"I think they're going to attack us." John chimes in, running a hand through his hair. I frown, thinking.

"But they have the location of Base 1732, why would they attack us?" I argue. We're all quiet for a few moments.

"Oh...the messenger boy, John can you get him over here?" James asks, his voice shaky. John glances at him quizzically before nodding. He flies off.

A few moments later the messenger boy lands with John. He looks about 14, and as John said, looks really shaken up and frightened.

"H-hey, how did you receive the letter from the Human soldiers?" James asks in a kind tone. The boy sits down nervously.

"T-they grabbed me and t-told me to deliver it. I-it was pretty scary, actually." He lets out a shaky chuckle and I stare at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry to hear that, if you need it you can take a few days off," James says nicely. Is he allowed to do that? Probably not, but hey this kid looks like he needs it. "Now, did you tell them anything else? Don't be shy, you're in a safe place here." James adds, and smiles. The boy glances down at the table, clearly uncomfortable.

"I-I told them the exact location of this b-base. I-I'm so sorry!" He sniffs a little.

"Hey hey! It's fine! At least you told us, now we can prepare." James comforts him. "Now, go and relax." The boy smiles gratefully and flies off.

"Nice, James." I wrap my wing around him and James smiles. "So, what do you think-"

"I'm about to explain it, THOMAS." James interrupts. I laugh as John rolls his eyes. "I think that the Humans know that we know that they know the location of Base 1732," James continues, and the only thing I can think is WHAT? Oh, wait...okay that makes more sense now. "So they think we think they're going to attack Base 1732, so they're going to attack US," James finishes with a triumphant grin.

"Sounds perfect! But where does the letter come into this equation?" I ask, and James frowns.

"I'm not sure, but hey at least we know that we should prepare for an attack," James says. John smiles and slams his hand onto the table.

"We have a plan, or at least the beginnings of one. Let's just hope Alexander and Lafayette get home soon to help us," John exclaims, and James and I agree.

Slightly scary, the fact that my home is about to be attacked. But as long as James is on my side, I know we can win.

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Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now