Chapter Thirty Eight

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Thomas's P.O.V.

I slowly yet surely wake up, as the world around me comes into sight. I try to stretch my wings and arms, but it that both are immobile. Now, that snaps me properly awake. I frantically try to twist around and just about make out that Alexander and James are tied up with me, all of us together in one string of rope.

"James? Are you awake?" I start to say it out loud but quickly quieten my voice. I don't know who may be listening. "James!?"

"W...wha?" James says groggily, groaning. "What...happened? Why are we...Oh." Just by the tone of his voice, I know that he remembers. Newtide has been invaded. And...they must have knocked us out. Yes, I remember. Alexander was knocked out by Charles Lee, then...okay, I don't remember. I suppose I was knocked out next.

"Argh, my head is killing me," James mumbles.

"I feel fine," I say honestly. "But right now, we gotta get out of here."

I survey our surroundings. We seem to be in a tent, with not much around us. A couple of unused pegs, a brick of stone, and some extra rope.

"Okay, so the pegs can be our weapons, we can sharpen them using the brick, and the rope could come in handy for our escape," James suggests. Okay, wow.

"How did you come up with that so quickly?" I say in awe.

"No time for stuff like that, Thomas, we have to get out of here," James says, his voice firm and grim. Right. 

We try hopping closer by jumping up on our butts and scooching, but with Alexander still asleep, it's practically impossible.

"Jeez, Charles must really pack a punch," I mutter. 

"Yeah, but you feel fine," James ponders on it for a moment. "Oh yes! You were knocked out by some sort of dart. Must be new Humans technology. Makes sense, seeing as knocking someone out only works for about an hour. They must have also given us sleeping darts since it has definitely been more than an hour," James muses.

"Alright, then how do we wake him up? We gotta get outta here!" I grind my teeth and try scooching again.

"I don't know, Thomas," James says quietly. "It seems we have to wait."

I collapse backwards in exasperation. Suddenly, the weight of the situation finally dawns on me. We're somewhere in Newtide or Base 1732, with no way of escaping, and with Humans all around us. Oh, shoot...

I thrash my wings around, trying to set them free from the ropes. How tight are these things?

"Thomas, please, we just have to wait for Alexander to wake up."

"No! We can't just wait for someone to save us! C'mon, try getting your arms free. Maybe that'll loosen the rope." I argue, and I start trying to lift my arms out of the rope. James sighs and joins in, and I start to grin when I feel the bonds loosen. "Yes!"

I stand up, free, and grab a peg. James does the same, and we start sharpening them on the brick.

"Shut up guys, I'm trying to sleep..." I hear Alexander start to wake up. Took him long enough.

"Wake your ass up and help us!" I hiss. 

"What did you say to me, Jefferson-"

James and I shush him in unison.

"We're trying to escape," James explains. "Grab a peg and start sharpening."

Alexander sits up and takes in the tent and the stuff inside.

"Ah! We can use the pegs as weapons!" He exclaims.

"One, we know that!" I say. "Two, shh!"

Alexander finally shuts up and gets to work.

I've almost finished sharpening my peg, and James is close behind. Suddenly, we hear fighting from outside. 

"Okay, gotta go now," James stands up.

"But I'm not done!" Alexander complains. He takes a quick look at the tent wall, where we see shadows of the fighting. "But it is a good diversion," He grins.

As we're about to sneak out of there, the tent flaps suddenly open. I look over Alexander's head to see...Aaron and Theodosia!? WHAT?

"Hurry!" Theo whispers urgently, grabbing Alexander's wrist and pulling him away.

"Wait but...Aaron," James stutters.

"He's not a traitor!" Alexander informs us. 

"Run!" Aaron himself says. OH OKAY-

We run into the forest, but Theo and I fly a bit too. Aaron knocks down the last guard and runs after us. I hear stumbling and a loud thump. I turn to see James on the ground, having tripped over a tree branch. I quickly fly back and grab him, carrying him to wherever we're going.

"Over here!" Theo sharply turns right, and we quickly follow.

After about a minute of flying and running, we make it to an old, run-down tent. Alexander is beaming.

"You guys are the best! Oh man, I'm so sorry I forgot about you guys!" He goes over and gives the two of them hugs.

"Good to see you too, Alexander, but we have work to do," Theodosia says seriously. "I feel that the Final Battle between Humans and Winged has started, and we must join in and help."

"We got weapons!" Aaron exclaims happily. We follow him inside the tent to see a heap of weapons on the floor.

"We overheard some guards talking about capturing the right-hand men of Washington and Queen Boyd, and we assumed that you must have been there," Theodosia explains. "But, who's the new right-hand man of the Queen?" She asks James and me thoughtfully.

"My incredibly smart boyfriend of course!" I slap James on his back proudly. Theo beams.

"Congrats, James! I always knew you were bright!" She gives James a hug.

Aaron coughs. "What happened to being serious, huh Theo?"

"Oh! Right, sorry," Theo says, rushing over to the weapons. "So we have a shield, four swords, and a spear. Aaron and I have already claimed our weapons, for me a sword, and for Aaron two daggers," She shows us the weapons.

"I'll take a spear!" James exclaims. He usually uses a spear anyway. "Thomas, would you want the shield? I'm more used to a round shield." I nod and take a sword and the square shield. James also takes a sword.

"Guess I'll take two swords," Alexander says, collecting his stuff.

"What's the plan?" James asks.

"Lie low, wait for back-up," Aaron says.

"And maybe do a few missions to lower the Human count," Theodosia says with a smirk on her face. I grin. This is it. We can still do this.

We can still win.

(1059 words)

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now