Epilogue/Author's Note

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Everyone dies. The End.

Haha, just kidding.

Or am I?

Because everyone dies eventually...

Anyway, hi! I'm PurpleFlamme, the author of Wings! But I'm sure you knew that already.

Wanna hear some things you didn't know about Wings?

Here we go!

1. The deeper meaning of Wings is that everyone has flaws and that everyone has something about themselves that they need to work on. The main six of this book each had a flaw, and I made sure that after acknowledging the flaw sometime in the book, they revisited that flaw during the Final Battle, and overcame their obstacle despite it. Flaws are as follows:

Alexander's fault: He's so focused on being the best (non-stop) and feeding his ambition (job, legacy, what he does) that he loses valuable time with his friends and loved ones. He needs to work on organizing his time and having a balanced life.

John's fault: He's very gullible and will believe certain things immediately, which leads to confusion and useless arguments. He needs to work on trusting that people he knows wouldn't do such things and thinking twice before believing something about someone else.

James's fault: He doesn't know how to show he cares about people, and he needs to work on making sure Thomas and he isn't a one-sided relationship.

Thomas's fault: He doesn't try to fix things (his relationship with his parents) because he doesn't think it's worth fixing and ends up holding secrets from them and trust is lost, and nothing is fixed even though his parents started trying. He needs to learn that family is worth it and that some relationships are worth saving.

Hercules's fault: He's prideful, it takes a while for him to admit that he's wrong, and he loses touch with others when he gets caught up in it.

Lafayette's fault: He doesn't like it when things don't go exactly as planned in a bad way or when someone messes up and it affects him. He needs to work on knowing that things aren't always perfect and to learn to forget and forgive.

A few of these flaws I hold myself, such as Lafayette's fault, Hercules's fault, and James's fault.

2. It took me almost a year to write this book. From the base thought (Thomas using his wing as a blanket for James) I had back in late June 2018, to the first bit I wrote on it (Prologue One which was first on my Hamilton Oneshots book, written in very early July 2018), all the way to now. July 2019. Needless to say, I'm very proud of Wings. You can see my writing improve throughout the book, as the chapters go on.

3. I have a notes document with everything on it. Random notes, character logs (colour wings, what weapon, whether they're an OC), chapter plans, everything! I also kept track of POV's. I tried to keep it fairly even between the six, but I think John ended up getting an extra chapter to himself.

4. I put Wings on a google doc, and it ended up being 283 pages, 76,613 words. Font size 13.5, with font size 14 for the 'Chapter X' parts.

5. Ummmmmmm....what else? OH! Remember my chapter 'Hello from the author!' where I said I had forgotten to post wings, and I didn't really have that any chapters to post anyway? Yeah well, that was true, but the reason I had forgotten was that I was celebrating my birthday, and my friends were coming over. Sorry Wings, but I've got priorities!

6. Some inspirations for Wings include Maleficent (YES THERE'S GONNA BE SECOND MOVIE YEET), Llamas in Hats, (C'mon, Carl and Paul didn't come from just anywhere), Lukas was most definitely based after Luke from Percy Jackson but with a twist, those two Humans from Chapter Forty Four were Michael and Jeremy from Be More Chill, and- Okay. Now I'm just mentioning references.

7. I don't imagine that everyone lives happily ever after. Cabinet battles ensue, friendships are tested, but I'll leave that all up to you, and your imagination.

8. I was sorta bored with Hamilton fanfics that were like 'The Story of Hamilton, but now ____!' Naw man. I was not gonna make Wings 'The Story of Hamilton, but now some people have wings!' Hell naw! So I changed things up. It's not a revolution, it's a full-on war between two nations. It's not quite anarchy in Dosmiana, the Queen is pretty chill, and the Major General mostly runs it. The characters are the same, yet the world around them is vastly different.

9. I really am thankful for all my readers. Every time you vote or comment I just feel like I've done something right. The end of Wings is feeling more like the end of an era, or should I say, the end of a chapter of my life. Thank you, to everyone who has voted on Wings. Thank you, to everyone who has commented a nice thing. Especially you, @xxA5_Aly, you certainly have a way with words. Sure you're not Hamilton in disguise? Haha! And thank you too, @MichelleMeunier, even though that RP we tried never really worked out.


Welp! Dunno what else to write. Y'all are amazing!

Peace out, from PurpleFlamme. One last time.

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