Chapter Twenty Four

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James's P.O.V.

It's been just a week and a half since we had the meet up with all six of us, and already Lafayette is calling for another meeting. Jeez, I mean, Thomas and I don't really have anything to do, but still. Thomas and I travel off to Laf's house again, this time in late afternoon, and when we knock on the door, the person who opens it is not Laf. I blink a couple of times. A middle-aged woman with shiny golden wings greets us at the door. She must be Laf's mum, I decide.

"Hello! Are you Lafayette's friends?" She asks kindly with a thick accent. I smile and nod as she beams. "Wonderful! He's upstairs in his 'Man Cave,' so why don't you just go on up?" Laf's mum says, holding the door open for us. "The other two and Hercules are already up there," She adds on. I thank her and Thomas and I go up to the stairs. I just go through the first door I see and boom, the rest of them are scattered around Laf's bedroom. Lafayette is sitting at his desk, Hercules is bouncing a ball against the wall, while John and Alexander are sitting on Laf's bed. Lafayette turns, hearing us come in, and smiles.

"Wonderful! Alright, now everyone come over here around my desk. It's," Lafayette hesitates as we all start walking over. "Important," He finishes. Uh-oh. That doesn't sound so good. I glance over his shoulder to see a letter laying in front of him, with some fancy cursive handwriting on it.

"What is it? I can't see!" Alexander calls, who's behind Thomas. "Move!" Thomas scowls and moves his wing away to let Alexander step in to see.

"A few weeks ago, I finished and sent off the annual report," Lafayette explains, gesturing to some pieces of crumpled up paper scattered across the desk. Must be drafts. "In it, I mentioned that we have two Humans with us, both not enrolled in the army but still living and helping here," He smiles at Alexander and I. "These reports are sent to the King and Queen, and as you may know, they don't do much. They just live in any old house like us and just...are there to give advice to the capital's people. But they do read these annual reports," Lafayette hesitates as he glances at Hercules. Herc nods. Laf sighs and shows us the paper he had been fingering. I squint to read the handwriting. Does that say-

"Dear General Lafayette, please send over the Humans you mentioned in your annual report to Newtide. The King and I would like to meet them," Lafayette reads out. What? Woah woah woah, Newtide? Like, the capital of Dosmiana? And the Queen wants to meet me!? And Alexander!? I glance at him, and his face has gone pale. Goodness, he just got back! I take a look at John. He has a hard look on his face, and his hands are clenched. Angry. I don't blame him, what with Alexander being away so long, only to come back to find out he has to leave again. Lastly, I look at Thomas. Poker-faced. What did I expect?

"Can...can I go with James? Just in case... y'know," Thomas says in a worried tone. "It's pretty dangerous for there to be two Humans in a city full of Winged," He puts his hand on my shoulder and I lean back against him. Nice to know that Thomas will always have my back. Lafayette sighs and shakes his head.

"Later on it's clearly stated that they go alone, but whatever inn they stay at will be already paid for," Lafayette notes with interest. I frown. I guess that's good, but, this whole letter leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why do they want to meet us anyway? I suppose I shouldn't really question it, they are royalty after all.

"When...when do they have to leave?" John asks quietly, his voice catching. I see Alexander wince and reach his hand out to John, before taking it back. I hope I still have some time left with Thomas. If we run into trouble on the way there, this may be the last few days I have left with him. I really don't want to think about that.

"The letter instructs you to leave one day after you receive this letter, so, tomorrow, sadly," Laf sighs for seems like the millionth time today, and stands up to face us. He glances around at us, resting his gaze at Alexander and I. "Good luck you two. For the journey, and for whatever they want you for. I'll meet you off tomorrow at dawn to see you off," Lafayette then faces Thomas and John, and Hercules interjects.

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