Chapter Thirty Seven

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John's P.O.V.

I tense up my muscles as Lukas changes his grip on his knife. Alright, John, you don't have much time. Gotta convince this (probably) murderous spy to not...murder.

"Lukas, whatever the Humans have offered you, I'm sure it's not worth it," I say sternly, not taking my eyes off the knife for even a mere second. Lukas starts to laugh.

"They haven't offered me anything." He says, mocking my serious tone.

"Wha-what? they have blackmail on you? Cus I'm sure we could help you!" I exclaim. C'mon, surely there's a way to help this guy. And not get stabbed.

"Nope! Not that either," Lukas says, walking around me. Crap, I left both my spear and my sword in my tent. "You have one more guess left!" He declares in a singsong voice.

"Uhm, I dunno, you have a favour to repay? You have a secret grudge against Washington?" I am suddenly very aware that Lukas is right behind me, holding a knife. I would turn around, but I'm afraid that any sudden movements may trigger an attack.

"Uh, that was two guesses, and both wrong!" He shouts. Suddenly, he grabs me, pulls me back, and casually rests his knife on my throat.

"I do it, because, well, why not?" Lukas laughs manically, and I feel a shiver go down my spine. "What do I have to lose? My parents are dead. My sister is dead. I became a spy halfway through this war, and man, it feels amazing to be finally recognized for something!" Lukas gloats.

"What...what happened to your family? Was your sister always the favourite?" I ask softly. Alexander would have pushed that weak spot to manipulate Lukas but, but I can't help emphasizing with him. Lukas growls.

"You talk too much, John."

"I just want to-"

"SHUT UP!" I look up, and Lukas is glaring at me. "You talk far too much!" An evil gleam appears in his eyes, and inside of me, a seed of dread starts to spout.

"What are you going to do?" I say, trying to keep courage in my voice.

"I'm going to make sure you never talk again." 


Hercules's P.O.V.

Wow, after that whole argument John had with Washington, I'm a little more than worried. I better go find him.

"Herc!" I spin around to see Carl flying behind me. "Emergency meeting! Training field!" He shouts as he passes me. I sigh. I guess John will have to wait.

"Thanks, Carl!" I call out, spreading my wings and fly towards the area.

I meet up with Lafayette just as the crowd is silenced. "Where's John?" Laf asks me, whispering. I shrug. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and a worried expression. I'm about to sigh and tell him I can't disobey orders, but Washington starts talking first.

"Soldiers of Base 1776, I believe that some tricks have been played on me, and not the good type." Washington starts, his voice grave. "It has come to my attention that I have been brought here on false claims, and while I've been gone, Base 1732 and Newtide have been invaded."

The whispers and gasps start running through the crowd, while I just can't believe it. Base 1732? And Newtide? How?

There's a nagging feeling in me that John is not okay right now.

"I have received this news from a soldier who escaped, and from what she has told me, things are not going well. The King and Queen have been captured, and Humans are everywhere." Washington refers to a soldier next to him, a girl, who's wings are indigo. It's quite rare for a girl t to be in the army, as it is voluntary. Most young women want to start their careers first, which is why most company's founders are women.

The King and Queen have been captured, though. Which means...

Thomas. James. Alexander. They're in danger. Two Humans, and the son of a very wealthy family...

I hope they're okay.

"Silence!" Washington's voice overpowers the entire crowds. "We must attack back. This is it. This must be the final battle, where we must fight the Human's back to where they came from. This must be the battle that ends the war!" Washington shouts, and we all cheer along with him.

He starts talking about recruiting the other bases and getting all the generals to work together, but all I can think about is John. Is he in the crowd with us? Is he in danger? 

The more I think about it, the more I'm sure that there is a spy among us. John would never be a spy, so it must be someone who has tricked him into doing...whatever that was.

"Hercules," Lafayette snaps me back into reality. He grabs my shoulders so we're looking in each other's eyes. "I need you to go find John. I have a feeling that he needs help, and I have to stay here to help Washington."

I hold his arms and nod. "I'll find him. You just do what you do best over here." I give him a quick kiss before I go.

I take off and fly around Base 1776 as fast as I can. Maybe he's around his tent?

I land and look inside his tent. Nothing, no one.

Okay, maybe he's by the waterfall.

I scout the entire waterfall area. Nothing, no one.

Alright, now it's time to REALLY search this place. I start flying around the tents nearest to the training field, and while dodging trees, I notice a few bushes that have seemed to be trampled on. Recently, too.

I follow the trail, hoping to find...John!

There he is, curled up into a ball next to a tree.

"John! Are you hurt? What happened?" I rush next to him, kneeling down. From what I can see, he has many injuries. "Oh man, we better get you to the Schuyler sisters. John?" I say when he doesn't reply. "John, lift up your face." 

John's head lifts, and he has the sorriest look on his face, and enough injuries to make me to wince.

"Who did this to you!?" I rage, looking around as if the trees would tell me. John doesn't say a word. I look back at him. "Who. Did. This?" I hiss. John doesn't answer.

Or maybe...

He can't.

I pale as all my previous anger drains out of me.

"John...can you speak?"

John shakes his head. Crap. 

Then he opens his mouth.

Yuck. His tongue...

The anger rushes back. "Who the flippity flap thinks that they can do this with no repercussions!" I shout at nothing. I glance back at him, and he's smiling a bit. "Well, I better take you to the Schuyler sisters," I help John stand up. "Can you fly?" I ask, John pauses and spreads his wings, before shaking his head. "Guess we're walking."

Who could've done this? Perhaps John can write it down. I look at his right hand. Okay, he's not gonna be able to write for a while.

Oh man, when I get my hands on whoever did this...

Well, they're dead. So dead.

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now