Chapter Three

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James's P.O.V.

I watched with glee as the two men kissed. Wait, that sounds creepy. Really creepy. I'm just happy that there are other gay people around here! And maybe another Human dating a Winged! Maybe I should go introduce myself. But not yet. They're still kissing. This might take a while. What should I say? 'Hi! I was behind that tree and I saw you kissing and it immediately made me feel better about my existence.' No no, that's too weird and again, super creepy. I shift my stance and step on a twig, the sound of it cracking filling the silence. Boy, that's cliché. The two boys pulled away from their kiss and looked around nervously. I take a deep breath. It's now or never.

"Hi! Uhm, sorry if this sounds creepy but I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I went on a walk and I saw you two kiss and uhm..." I start, revealing myself by taking a step from the tree. The two stared at me and my heart started to beat faster. "Uhm and..."

"Are you a Human?" The guy with no wings interrupts. I gulp.

"Y-yeah." I say. He grins.

"Cool, me too. I'm Alexander, and this is John." Alexander says. I smile tentatively. Alex is a Human! John has rainbow wings! Wonder if that means anything.

"I'm James. S-so what's with the rainbow wings?" I ask John. He laughs.

"Just means I'm as straight as a circle." He says.

"But circles aren't-Ohhhh. Me too!" I squeal happily. I jump up and down while John laughs.

"Nice to know. Wait, you're new around here, right? I've never seen you around here before." He asks.

"Oh, I just arrived today. Or yesterday. Whatever makes the most sense." I say. "So, the Winged are okay with having Humans around?" Alex's face turns sour.

"For now." He says.

"What?" John and I say.

"Hmm? Oh, um. Just a little something I picked up when I worked at the Humans base." Alex mumbles. "Hey James, can I talk to you in private?" He asks. John looks at him. "I'll see you back at our tent Johnnie." Alex kisses John on his cheek and he smiles.

"Alright, Lexi. Bye James!" John waves bye and I wave back. He makes his way through the forest.

"Don't you guys have houses?" I say jokingly. Alex laughs.

"Yeah, but on weekdays we stay at the base overnight," His face turns morphs into a serious expression. "But James, there's a huge problem about Winged and Humans."

"What is it? Will it affect us? Me? T-thomas?" I stutter.

"Who's Thomas?" He inquires.

"My boyfriend." I say, full of pride.

"Cool. Anyway, there's gonna be a war between the Winged and Humans." Alexander says. My hearts skips a beat. A war?

"No way." I mumble. A war between my species and Thomas's. This is too much for my brain to comprehend. I lean against a tree.

"I know, it's bad." Alex sighs.

"You think!?" I yell. Alex raises his eyebrow. "This could-this could ruin everything! This could k-kill him! Kill me! Aww..." I crouch down and hold my head in my hands.

"Listen, James, maybe so but us Humans can take care of ourselves and our loved ones. I'm telling this info to Laf tomorrow, so try not to tell anyone until he does," He instructs. I barely listen, thoughts running through my head. Will Thomas have to fight? Will I have to fight? Is 'Laf' General Lafayette? "Hello? James? You listening." Alex waves his hand in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I mutter, getting up. I look at Alex. "Thanks for telling me-"

"HEY!" I turn in surprise to see Thomas stomping over here. "Who are you and why are you talking to my boyfriend?" He growls at Alexander, spreading his wings to look more intimidating. Yeah, his bright magenta wings. I can't quite see Alex anymore.

"A friend. And for your information, I already have a boyfriend, so no need to get all protective over him." Alex answers. I blush, Thomas is being quite protective, isn't he?

"Uh huh. Well good. But then again, WHERE is your boyfriend?" Thomas exclaims triumphantly like he uncovered a huge mystery.

"Sleeping. It's the middle of the night, poofy haired boy." Alex says, calm as a cat.

"It's Thomas." He hisses. Okay, maybe I should step in.

"Uh, Thomas? I just couldn't sleep and went on a walk." I say softly. Thomas turns to me.

"Really? Huh. Wanna go back to sleep?" He asks me. I giggle and hug him.

"Okay!" I go around Thomas to talk to Alex. "Bye Alexander!" He waves bye before leaving. Thomas leads me back to our tent, and I curl up in his arms and fall asleep.

Alexander's P.O.V.

I walk back to John's and I's tent. I stomp in and let my anger get the better of me.

"Oh my god, John I met James's boyfriend and he's so annoying! I don't know how he can stand him! He's so clingy to James!" I huff and sit down. John yawns and sits up.

"He can't be that bad." He mumbles, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. I smile at him and kiss him on his nose. That certainly wakes him up.

"Oh, he is! Thought I was making a move on him!" I chuckle.

"You weren't, right?" John asks, embarrassed. I gasp and pull him into a tight hug.

"Never! I love YOU, John!" I exclaim. John giggles and hugs back. I kiss him, cus why the heck not? We hug and kiss for a while.

"We should sleep." John sighs, laying back down on his mat. I grab my mat and move it next to John's, so it's like one big mat. I lie down and snuggle up to John. He puts an arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"Please Johnnie, let's not start another kissfest again." I chuckle. John laughs, a beautiful sound that just fills my heart with happiness. I smile before closing my eyes. I fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.

(1034 words)

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now