Chapter Forty

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Hercules's P.O.V.

It has been a few hours since the other bases have arrived, and dare I say it, we could actually be winning this. No sign of Lafayette or John, or even any Newtide hostages, but hey, I'm sure I'll find them. I have to find them.

What I've noticed is the difference between fighting styles. Like me, some people stab with their weapons. Others slash. I'd say that stabbing is a more effective way since we're here to get the job done and get it done quickly.

Something else I've noticed is that as we keep on fighting Humans, more Winged soldiers seem to arrive. More and more bases are getting the call for arms.

"Hercules! Wait!" Someone says behind me. I turn to see a familiar set of matte, black wings.

"Acer?" I say in disbelief. Jeez, what are the odds of meeting him in battle, and not Lafayette?

"What's up, jerk?" Acer says sarcastically. His eyes widen under his messy hair. "Duck!" I do as he says and Acer jumps over my back, and I hear a pained shout. I look behind me to see a dying Human. Nice. But uh, he's a slasher. Acer spins his sword around using his wrist and looks back at me.

"C'mon, we gotta hurry," He growls, and flies off. I look around me and realise that this area is clear. The cries of battle are elsewhere. I roll my eyes, spread my wings, and fly after him. Trust Acer to be always on top of his game, never needing to rest. What's a tired guy supposed to do against that? I've actually been trying to look for survivors!

Yeah, still. I believe that has to be someone left. All the civilians can't be gone. There has to be someone.

"Down there," Acer points using his sword, and I notice that the hilt is wrapped in black fabric. Oh, so now you're telling me that his sword is custom made? Come on!


"Newtide is clear!" I hear a loud voice echo through the large city. Washington? What? He sounds proud. "Good job, everyone. We have reclaimed Newtide! Now, we must..." The voice slowly gets muffled. 

The air is silent. Has something happened? I see Acer's face pale.

"Sorry, everyone!" Washington's voice returns. "This new invention, called...Well, it doesn't have a name yet, but it's massive, and I can speak into it. Sadly it's not portable. Anyway! Advance to Base 1732! It will be a challenge, but I'm sure we can do it!"

Cheers erupt from all over Newtide. Acer and I take flight and start heading to Base 1732. It's just a quick fly over there.


What if civilians escaped into the forest?

I look down and see movement in the trees. I have to go check. I turn to Acer to tell him.

"Go," He says, without me saying anything. "I'll meet up with you later."

And with that, Acer zooms away. I turn my attention back down to Earth. My wings slowly curve inwards, and I divebomb down.

I quickly spread them just before hitting the trees, and I catapult back up a few meters. I slowly manoeuvre myself, when I catch a glimpse of something other than greenery. Could it be? An escapee?

I land, hiding in nearby bushes. I don't want to scare anyone. Ahead of me is a rundown tent, with vines covering the sides.

I hear talking from inside, and there's perhaps, 4 or 5 people in there. A female, and some guys.

"I'll go on a mission with James!" A voice cheers. Wait...

"And then what, mess it up? Nah, us three with go," Another voice says snidely. No way...

"Guys?" I say, and I immediately regret giving away my position. The tent flap opens, and I see Thomas, James, and Alexander standing there, with...Theodosia and Aaron? As in, Aaron the traitor?

"Hercules!" James exclaims, running up to me. "Oh my goodness! You would not believe what has happened! We just enjoying dinner, when Charles Lee himself came in, and apparently-"

"Newtide had been invaded?" I interrupt. James nods. "Well good news!" I spread my arms out towards everyone. "We got it back!"

Everyone is ecstatic, Thomas is joking about how fast we Winged work, while Theodosia just seems so happy. I grab Alexander by his shoulder and drag him away.

"Okay uh, two things. One, what's up with Aaron being here now?" I ask him, trying to keep my voice low.

"Oh, turns out Theo was right about him not wanting to be a spy all along," He says. "But of course, I'm still keeping an eye on him," Alexander adds after seeing the look on my face.

"Hm. Alright. Number two, well, uh, you might wanna take a breath before you hear this," I sigh and shift my stance. Alexander raises an eyebrow but his face is quickly swept with worry.

"Is it about John?" He says quietly. I nod. Alexander closes his eyes for a second. "Go on."

"Well, um, my theory is that some sort of spy manipulated him. And, well, his tongue," My throat turns dry. "He can't speak anymore," I croak out.

Alexander is silent. 

"I was thinking that maybe the Schuyler sisters could fix it, but the chances for a certain potion to just regrow a tongue...Not very high," I explain. Alexander is about to say something, but I hear an extra set of wings beat from above us. I look up to see flashes of orange.

"Hey, guys! I'm Lukas," The newcomer smiles. Lukas turns to me. "The rest of the Winged army is almost at Base 1732, and Lafayette told me to come get you guys. He's looking for...Hercules," He says, looking at Thomas and me. 

"That's me," I step forwards. "Battle is almost commencing, I assume?" Lukas nods, still hovering above us. I look around at my friends and Aaron.

"You guys have weapons?" They nod, and Thomas points to inside the run-down tent. I smile. "Then let's go take back Base 1732."

Lukas flies away, and I wait for the others to collect their weapons. As a team, we work together to get all of us, Winged and Human alike, to the battle. Thomas carries James, Theo decides to fly alongside Aaron running, and I and Alexander do the same.

Another step. We can do this, but uh...night is falling soon. This will be a dangerous battle to fight and win.

(1065 words)

Wings - A Hamilton Fanfic - Lams, Mullette, and JeffmadsWhere stories live. Discover now