3. ass kicker

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"Is your cousin dating Steve Harrington?" Jessica had randomly asked during their lunch, causing Ringo to pause mid-sandwich and screw her face up in disgust.

"Unfortunately," she admitted, following her friend's gaze towards the so called 'popular table', where Steve sat alongside his friends.

"Why?" Jessica pried, causing Ringo to chuckle.

"She must have a thing for guys with long hair that will fuck her over," Ringo shrugged, turning back and facing toward her friend again.

In truth, she didn't care for Steve Harrington at all in the days preceding. But now, she was curious. Because she had seen both sides of his personality: the spoiled, rich, white boy who dominated the school, and the sweeter side who liked to laugh and kiss his girl - also known as, the side of Steve that kept Nancy interested.

"Don't we all," Jessica sighed, looking off into the distance dramatically, gaining another chuckle from the blonde.

"Hey, Ringo right?" A voice came from beside her, a body to accompany it sliding into the chair next to Ringo's.

Ringo paused mid-bite again, chewing the rest of the food in her mouth before daring to talk to him. And so she could calm herself beforehand. The man now sitting with them was nothing short of God-like, his attractiveness alone made her nervous.

She shot a glance towards Jessica, who only rolled her eyes and continued to eat her grapes.

"Yeah, it's Ringo. And you are?" Her lips lifted into her signature grin, and it was clear he noticed her attempts at charming.

"I'm Daniel," he held his hand out for her, which she took carefully, giving it a gentle shake.

"And I'm Jessica," the dark haired girl interrupted with a cheesy grin, giving a small wave.

"Nice to meet you, too," he responded politely, holding his hand out for her to shake as well, something Ringo appreciated.

"So, everyone can't seem to stop talking about the new girl," he turned back to the blonde, giving her a quick once over.

"All good comments I'd hope?" She bantered, giving him a once over of her own.

"Better than good, babe," he replied, standing up from his chair and pointing his thumb towards the very table they had stared at moments earlier. "You wanna come have lunch with us?"

Ringo's eyebrows furrowed as she gave a quick glance back between Daniel and Jessica, her decision already made without debate.

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