23. hold my beer

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"RED IS SO YOUR COLOUR," Nancy commented from across the bedroom, tilting her head to the side as she watched her cousin flick mascara onto her eyelashes.

"You think so?" Ringo beamed, snapping the wand back into the tube and turning to Nancy, smoothing her hands over her red dress. "Green looks so much better on you though!"

"Don't start with me, you look amazing," Nancy rolled her eyes playfully, sitting on the bed as she waited for her to get ready.

"Fuck naw! You're cute as hell!" Ringo argued, placing her hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow.

"I told you not to start with me, you beautiful brat!" She stood up from the bed.

"Ohhh! You're so pretty! Noooooo, you're so pretty!" A mocking voice sounded from the doorway, the door having opened a crack to reveal an unimpressed Mike Wheeler. "Will you two get over yourselves? Moms complaining that the living room reeks of teenage boy."

"Get lost, you little asshole!" Nancy huffed, marching over and shoving his head back through the door, closing it swiftly behind her. She blew her hair out of her face as she leaned back against the door, smile dimming. "Hey.. I have to go to Barb's parents house tomorrow for dinner. Usually I'd go with Steve but, well, you know..."

"What do you mean?" Ringo asked confusedly, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm talking about Steve and I breaking up," she commented casually.

If Ringo had a drink in hand, she was sure it would be spat out across the floor.

"W-WHAT?" She spoke in a strangled sounding voice, composing herself to look calmer than she really was.

"Didn't he tell you?" Nancy's eyebrows furrowed.

"No," she shook her head, managing to dull her expression down to the widening of her eyes. "But... why?"

"It just wasn't working out, it was pretty mutual," she shrugged with a soft smile, "but anyways. Will you come with me tomorrow?"

"Nancy, of course I will," Ringo walked to her, wrapping her arm around the girl for a quick reassuring hug.

Despite her exterior, inside she was freaking out at the news. But of course, it didn't change things - not really. Steve was still Nancy's ex, their relationship was still relevant and that in turn, left him untouchable.

Nancy and Ringo finally walked down the stairs towards their friends waiting in the hallway, but as they rounded the corner they realised their audience now extended to Mike's friends too.

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