author's note + sequel

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Hello everyone!

I've been trying not to get emotional by reaching the end of this book, because it really isn't the end and there's a sequel coming soon. (Update: the sequel is out and published on my profile) That being said, it's still the end of something.

I never thought Slow Ride would come this far, it's literally an idea I had one day while rewatching Stranger Things. I saw little areas that I could insert a character into, and thus came this book, and Ringo.

Ringo was inspired by a combination of iconic 80s and 90s female characters, including Veronica Sawyer from Heathers, Buffy Summers and Kat Stratford. Currently, I'm writing four fics, and Ringo is by far my favourite to write about and relate to. She's the girl I wanted to be and a person I strive to become, despite all her flaws. I'll be honest, I can't really watch Stranger Things any more without thinking there's a gap there.

When I started this book, it was only getting a couple of reads per chapter and I was convinced it was going to go nowhere, but it didn't matter because I enjoyed writing it. Now, at the time of writing, Slow Ride has almost 100k. Pretty mind blowing for me personally, even if others don't think much of it.

Thanks so so much to anyone who voted, commented or even simply read the book. I can't let go of the characters I've made this easy, and that came my decision to write a sequel.

The sequel will be called Fast Car, and is already posted for anyone who is interested in seeing how Ringo develops further and how she fares in season 3.

Thank you so much again. This feels like my child is graduating, my god. I hope to see some of you soon and thanks for making it this far.


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