24. nightmare on hawkins street

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"SO WE'RE GOING DRESSED AS MYSTERY INC. FOR HALLOWEEN," Ringo announced suddenly, breaking Steve's concentration with the road ahead. He gave her an incredulous glance.

"Who is?"

"Me, you, Nancy, Jonathan and hopefully Jessica," she nodded. She hadn't actually told the others that she had planned out their costumes, but her powers of persuasion were not to be underestimated.

"No way," he laughed, "I'm not dressing up for Halloween, we're seventeen, Ringo."

"And what? The mystery inc. were an iconic essence of our childhood, and now you wanna shit all over their memory by refusing to be Fred?"

"Fred?" He chuckled again, his eyes glancing around the school parking lot to find a space. "I'm definitely Shaggy, no doubt."

"No, Jonathan is Shaggy," she refuted, a frown forming on her face. "Don't fuck with my order, Fred."

"Why would Jonathan be Shaggy? That makes no sense."

"Because he's like the cool guy who should be as popular as Fred is but isn't, plus I can definitely see him smoking dope in his room with a dog," she explained. The idea had struck her the night before, seeing as the gang couldn't dress up the Halloween before - she wanted to fulfil their legacy this year.

"And have the others agreed to this?" He questioned, switching the engine off after driving into an available spot.

"No, but they will."

"How are you so sure they'd agree?"

"Would you wanna listen to me complain from here until Halloween?" She raised an eyebrow, causing him to grimace.

"Point taken," he smiled sheepishly, reaching into the backseat and rifling around until he unveiled some sheets of paper. "Listen... will you do me a favour?"

"What is it?" She enquired, eyeing the sheets.

"I wrote a college application essay, and... I just wanna make sure it's okay. Will you take a look over it?" He asked nervously, causing her heart to swell from how positively cute he looked.

"Aw, Fre- Steve!" She gushed, nodding her head and taking the papers gently. "Of course, I will!"

The car was silent as her eyes skimmed down the pages, narrowing in on grammatical mistakes and moments of rambling. She forced her smile to stay present however, not wanting to hurt his feelings when he had so obviously trusted her.

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