12. wild thing

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"HERE, NO SUGAR, RIGHT?" Steve reappeared in the living room, carrying a mug filled with coffee that made Ringo's heart leap with joy.

"Yes, thank you," she practically moaned, taking the warm cup and curling her legs underneath her on the couch, eagerly taking a sip of the hot beverage. Steve moved to sit beside her, watching her from the corner of his eye as her gaze wandered around the living room.

The last time she had been inside this room in particular, she had just woken up - still drunk and with a hangover just beginning to boot. The decor of the place was hardly something on her mind at that point in time, but now, she could take it all in. And it was starting to freak her out just how rich Steve was.

"What's your place like back home?" He asked out of the blue, probably making conversation to break the silence, although it was a comfortable one.

"Well, our trailer is probably the size of this room so," she joked with a shrug. "It's okay, all I need is my cassette player, my vinyls and the tree nearby the park that has a tire swing in it. I don't need anything else."

"Do you miss it?" He pressed, moving to sit more comfortably by lifting his feet and placing them on the coffee table. Ringo mulled his question over for a minute.

"Not really," she admitted quietly. "Does that make me a bad person? Fuck. I just.. my parents fight a lot. About money and... everything. It's nice to be somewhere normal for once."

Steve, sensing her discomfort, decided to change the subject.

"So," he slipped his hand into her coat pocket and tugged out the cassette player that was on show. How she managed to fit it in there at all, he'd never know. "What other songs are on this ass-kicking mix of yours?"

"Nothing you're into I'm sure, Tom Cruise," she poked fun at his earlier comment of looking like Stefan, leaning her head back against the sofa and watching him with a soft smile as he opened up the tape compartment.

Steve let out a chuckle again when he read the title of the tape once more, eliciting a slap on his arm from the girl in point. He inserted it back in its rightful place again, except this time he flipped it around to B-Side and hit play, slipping her headphones over his head.

The teenager's eyes widened dramatically at the opening chords, Ringo beamed instantly, well aware that track one on that side of the tape was 'Wild Thing' by the Troggs.

"Now this," he shot up from his seat, clipping the player onto his belt, "this is a golden oldie!"

"What are you doing?" She giggled, watching with amusement as he smoothed his hair back and started to jut his hips back and forth to the beat of the song.

"Wild thing!" He shouted suddenly, completely off-key and pointing directly at the blonde, who was still sitting, gobsmacked, on the couch. "You make my heart sing!"

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