16. don't stop believing

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"HEY, SORRY I'M LATE," Steve greeted her in a hurried tone, making his way towards the booth she was sat in after practically bursting through the door of Brainshakes, catching the attention of the rest of the customers.

"It's fine," she replied, her tight-lipped smile indicated to Steve that it was, in fact, not fine.

"I'm sorry, honestly! I had to give Nancy a ride home and I lost track of time," he explained, running a hand through his frazzled hair. His state of disarray, as well as his reddened lips and messy hair, told her that he was with Nancy, but perhaps not explicitly driving her anywhere.

"I don't care, Steve," she deadpanned, looking at him with a bored expression. Inside, she was rather offended that he was twenty minutes late to meet her. Knowing that he had spent that time with Nancy hurt her even more.

"Are you okay?" He pressed, looking at her with furrowed brows and a concerned expression.

"Peachy," she answered, taking a sip of her milkshake through the straw, waiting until she was done to speak again. "And you?"

"I'm doing great. I'm sorry again, really. I don't know what's gotten into Nancy lately, I told her I had to meet you at five and she suddenly couldn't bear to let me go," Steve complained, his cheeks flushed. Ringo raised an eyebrow uninterestedly, of all the things in the world she wanted to talk to Steve about, his relationship with her cousin was at the farthest bottom.

"I'm moving back to Florida," she cut off his rambling, causing his gaze to snap forward to hers and his expression to crumple into one of surprise.

"What?" He hissed, shock filling him as Ringo smiled sheepishly.

"My mom called me. Her and my dad are getting a divorce, and she... she apologised for not taking my side after the whole photograph thing. It was mainly my dad who blamed me, anyways."

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