10. coke wars

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RINGO BARELY SLEPT THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT. She felt extremely uncomfortable with Jonathan in the room, and in Nancy's bed no less. When it came to 2am without a wink of sleep, she had huffed and grabbed her pillow and blanket, tramping downstairs to the basement to sleep there instead.

The basement was in complete disarray, almost trashed, but she was too tired to look more into it and fell asleep quickly on the couch, ignoring the carnage.

The second that morning light broke, however, she sneaked back upstairs before the rest of the house was awake. Ringo had waited hours now to lay into her cousin and Jonathan over their current situation, and was willing to sit on the chair in Nancy's room until they woke up. She stared at them pointedly, contemplating the speech she would give.

It didn't take them long to wake up after she sat down, probably feeling her piercing gaze on them. Nancy was the first to stir, with Jonathan following quickly after. She turned over in the bed, meeting Jonathan's tired eyes - the two of them shared a small smile, unaware of the hostile blonde mere metres away.

"I'm going to give you five minutes," Ringo's voice sounded out, causing them both to gasp in shock and shoot up in bed, absolutely mortified at seeing her sitting, staring at them. "Five minutes to get over your morning wood, and then you're going to get the hell out."

Jonathan nodded frantically, nervous by her presence and the fact he was caught in Nancy's bed. It certainly looked bad, but it was completely innocent.

"No, Ringo, you don't understand-" Nancy tried to explain, but Ringo was having none of it.

"I knew you two had something going on, I knew it," Ringo complained, looking back and forth between the two. "The longing stares in the hallway, the 'I need to be there for Jonathan'. And hey, I'm not judging. But you should probably know, Steve seen you two in bed. Yeah, Steve. Your boyfriend, remember him?"

"Oh my god," Nancy whispered, her face reddening instantly as she cupped her forehead in horror. "But we didn't do anything! I swear! He was just... comforting me!"

"Ah yes," Ringo rolled her eyes stubbornly, waving her hands about as she spoke, "you see I, personally, would call getting a coffee, or having a long chat or just hanging out appropriate methods of comforting. Not sharing a bed."

"Why are you even defending Steve?" Nancy's tone changed from desperate to accusatory,  she flung the blankets back off her body and climbed out of bed. "A month ago you absolutely hated him, and now you're yelling at me, your own cousin, for him?"

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