15. birthmark

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"YOU'RE STARING," Jessica drily commented, barely glancing up from her book to acknowledge her blonde friend seated next to her. Ringo snapped out of her daze, the drone of the cafeteria filling her ears once again. She hadn't realised it, but she had been staring at the table Steve and Nancy were seated at, for God knows how long.

"I'm not," she lied dismissively, absently picking up a carrot from her packed lunch and crunching on it angrily. The texture of the vegetable making it perfect to bite harshly into, and hopefully release some of her frustration.

"Oh okay," Jessica settled her copy of Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar' down onto the table to look her friend in the eye. "So I suppose you were really eyeing up Nancy's apple and thinking 'damn, I want a bite of that', instead of Steve Harrington?"

"W-What?" Ringo sputtered in shock, her face reddening instantly as her head snapped up to look at Jessica. "It's not like that, honestly it's not!"

"What is it like then?" She pressed, a smirk playing with her lips. "Last I checked, we hated him. And now you're gazing off lovingly into the distance like he's the Sandy to your Danny."

"Well don't worry," she huffed, leaning back into her seat and crossing her arms. "I won't be sitting on the table singing about him or his greasy hair any time soon."

"Good," Jessica nodded, "I've heard you sing, it ain't pretty."

"Hey!" She protested.

"Why don't you tell me what's going on?" Ringo sighed at her words, mulling over her thoughts. Ultimately, Jessica and Nancy were her best friends. But seeing as the theme of what was on in her mind directly involved Nancy, perhaps it was best to tell the friend that was an outsider in this situation.

"Okay, so," she turned to Jessica, who giddied eagerly at the prospect of being told. "Steve and Nancy kinda split up after that whole cinema incident-"

"Good, power to her."

"Can I finish?" Ringo groaned, continuing when she nodded. "Anyways, they got back together afterward. And I just... can't figure out why? Like, they don't work. At all. Opposites attract and all that, but all they do is fight and their relationship is purely based off of lust and not actual love for each other."

"Do you realise how jealous you sound?" Jessica cocked an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not jealous, it's not like that. They're both close to me, I love them both and I want them to be happy. I can disapprove of their relationship without having to like Steve," Ringo disputed, but Jessica only smirked silently in response, like she knew something the blonde didn't.

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