39. sixteen candles

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NANCY AND JONATHAN HAD DONE GOOD, Ringo decided. When the news broke of the sinister happenings going on in Hawkins Laboratory, they were forced to admit their part in Barb's death and cover-up.

She felt guilty for not helping Nancy before, for choosing to put her fear of breaching a contract over the loss of an innocent teenage girl. Barb's parents were heartbroken at her funeral, but ultimately, they were better off knowing the truth, before they ran themselves into debt by paying investigators.

The scene of her funeral was a tragic one, her mother's soft cries reaching Ringo's ears as she nestled into Steve's side. She didn't know Barb as well as Nancy, but that didn't stop her from feeling the guilt that was hanging over herself, Steve and Nancy.

They were inside the house when it happened, after all. Mere feet away from potentially being able to save her life. If Ringo had drank less, perhaps she'd have woken up to sounds. As if sensing her thoughts, Steve squeezed her side with the hand he had wrapped around her waist, grabbing her attention.

"You alright?" He whispered, eliciting a soft smile of reassurance and a nod.

Barb's parents grew more emotional as the casket was slowly lowered inside, a bouquet of white lilies on top - her favourite. Following Nancy's lead, the couple walked towards the mound of dirt beside the grave, reaching down and picking up a handful to gently toss inside.

It was such a small ceremony, but Ringo supposed Nancy had been right. Everyone really was starting to forget about Barb, now that the novelty of her unusual death was wearing off once again.

Ringo gently detached from Steve, giving him a nod towards Nancy that explained her actions as she slipped away to her cousin's side, linking their elbows together. The Wheelers, with Steve following closely behind, headed towards their respective cars.

"How are you doing?" Ringo murmured to her cousin, keeping her voice low. Nancy shook her head, it was clear from her under eyes she had been crying, but she held a somewhat peacefulness to her expression.

"Better than I thought," she admitted, sighing wistfully. "I'm just glad we got to give her the goodbye she deserved."

"Me too," Ringo agreed, nudging the side of their heads together in a side-hug.

When they reached the parking lot, Ringo let go of her arm. She had arrived here with Steve, but wasn't exactly sure she wanted Nancy to be alone tonight.

"Do you want me to come with you? Have a girl's night?" She suggested.

"No, no," Nancy shook her head tiredly, "I think I'd rather just spend the night alone, if that's okay?"

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