27. our thing

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"LADY AND GENTLEMAN," Steve began as he approached their usual lunch table, which now only held a population of two - Jessica and Jonathan

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"LADY AND GENTLEMAN," Steve began as he approached their usual lunch table, which now only held a population of two - Jessica and Jonathan. "We have a problem."

"I knew Ringo and Nancy's absence was your doing, Harrington," Jessica hissed the second he sat down, reaching out and whacking him on the bicep. "What did you do to my girls?"

"Lay off, damn!" He reached up to grab onto his arm, as if she had hit him harsh enough to cause pain. "It wasn't me, they had an argument at the party last Thursday."

"Nancy was in a bad way when I took her home," Jonathan explained, "I doubt she even remembers."

"What did they fall out about?" Jessica pressed, appearing concerned for her friends. Although she couldn't deny that she felt a little excluded at the same time, for everyone in their small group had heard of this event by now, except for her.

"It's, uh..." Steve trailed off, eyes widening to himself as he realised he would have to lie or face the Wheeler wrath, "I have no idea."

"They'll be fine," Jonathan shrugged, not understanding the situation. "They always have little arguments, they'll figure it out."

"Yeah, well seeing as I dated one cousin and intend to date the other I think it's safe to say I know them both enough to know this fight is different," Steve insisted, running his hand over his quaff of hair and being careful not to touch it.

Jonathan choked on the sandwich he was in the midst of scoffing down, face reddening as he threw it down onto the table and started to hammer at his chest. Jessica simply smirked, shaking her head in amusement at him.

"Fucking white people, man," she chuckled to herself, reaching for the other uneaten half of Jonathan's sandwich. "Next you'll be wanting to date Nancy's mom."

"First of all," he held his finger in the air, narrowing his eyes at the smirking girl, "that's gross."

"Hey," she held her hands in the air in defence, "I've known you liked our little Ringo for months now. It made listening to her pine over you extremely unbearable."

"Okay, you know what-" he started, his words hitching when he realised what she said, "wait, Ringo pines about me?"

"Priorities!" She snapped her fingers in his face, keeping the sandwich suspended in her other hand.

"Right, yeah! Okay!" He forced his attention back to the topic at hand. "They're both stubborn as heck. Neither one will go to the other, so we have to force them together."

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