5. shotgun

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RINGO WAS STARING OUT OF THE CAR WINDOW IN BOREDOM, of course that was until Nancy had forced Barb to pull over. She sat up in the back seat, wondering why.

"His house is three blocks away, why are we stopping here?" Barb looked at her friend as if she was ridiculous.

"His what?! I am NOT walking three blocks in these goddamn boots, Nancy you better be dead or dying because I know you're not making me walk three blocks," Ringo called from the back seat with a groan. Nancy pulled down the mirror to quickly check her make up, chuckling at her friend's reactions.

"We can't park in the driveway, the neighbours will see!" She protested. But Ringo did not find this amusing as her cousin did.

"You think I give a shit? Knowing Harrington, his driveway probably has more cars in it than a car depot," Ringo continued, rolling her eyes at her cousins whims.

"This is ridiculous, I'll just drop you off," Barb shook her head, turning to restart the engine.

"If she's not going I'm not going," Ringo added.

"No, come on guys!" Nancy became antsy at their threats of backing out. "You promised you'd come! We're all gonna have a great time! And Ringo, you'd never turn down free booze."

"He just wants to get in your pants, Nancy," Barb informed her. The girl shook her head, clearly in denial, eliciting a pitiful sigh from the other two. "He invited you over... his parents aren't home... come on, you are not this stupid!"

"Okay, okay," Ringo interjected, leaning forward so her face was in the middle of the seats. "Nancy, he's going to try to have sex with you tonight, that's a given. And it's not stupid if you go along with it, you're a big girl and you have control over your own body. However it is stupid if you don't want to do it, and just go along with it anyway for his sake. But if you do have sex with him, just go into it with the knowledge that there is a chance he'll back off after you do, okay?"

Nancy shook her head again, stammering over her words, refusing to believe her friends and passing them off as paranoid. Neither Barb, nor Ringo, trusted Steve. But they didn't know him like Nancy did.

"Guys, it's not like that! Tommy and Carol are gonna be there." This news prompted Ringo to lean back in her seat and sigh, hoping the alcohol would be enough to dumb down her brain so she wouldn't have to listen to them.

"Tommy and Carol have been having sex since like seventh grade," Barb laughed. "It'll probably just be like one big orgy."

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